Showing posts with label Time limitation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Time limitation. Show all posts

What to do when bored alone

         Hi smart people, howdy? hopefully you always have the abundance of happiness, health and prosperity, today I would like to share about “What to do when bored alone”, the main reason why I choose that topic because many people feel confused when they feel bored, most people just look for something pleasure and very few people look for new challenge and unpleasant thing, if you ask me about different view how to do when you are bored alone, now I will ask you again with the question "what makes you think to do as if you were in the crisis life?" , the reason why I ask you a question like that because the crisis life will not let people get bored easily, the reason why people get bored alone because they think their lives is not in crisis life, in fact, when people get bored alone, they already entered into the crisis life, are you ever curious about it? when people get bored alone in their daily basis, meaning, they lack of mental training to do something challenging, as human being, we must train ourselves to do something challenging until our mindset has improved, we can't let a sense of pleasure has dominated into our soul, if we let it happen, as impact, we will become a mediocre person who has no enthusiasm to break our limit from comfort zone.

       Please don’t burden your life with tradition, wild expectation and pessimism, life gets hard not because you want something, but life gets hard because you disconnect from the activity which offers good state of mental preparation, the reason why you feel bored alone because you haven't built your own mission, you must try to endure God’s mission before the crisis comes, to be strong person, you need to embrace the pain of discipline even though you may dislike it, here is my advice; don’t consider the pain of discipline as punishment, but consider the pain of discipline as the fuel to shape self-esteem, when you consider the pain of discipline as your fuel, as impact, our lives will work better than us, our time is limited, if we don't use our time to do something positive and challenging, as impact, we will get the crisis and we will receive the crack of tragedy and it causes us depressed, here is the first strategy what to do when bored alone; you must write down about what you must do as if you were be waited by many people's lives, express your good feeling by writing down the skill you want to mastered with, that's artificial emergency life which can change your life to be better, every day we are waited by the opportunity, please don't just spend out your energy to pursue instant gratification, you have to ensure that you spend out your energy with the power of determination around 70%, the reason why you need to do like that; not to let you feel bored alone easily, here is the second strategy what to do when bored alone; stop playing victim in this life, meaning, you have to hold responsibility to your life, remember this; people who play a victim in this life, they just find security feeling wherever they act, type of people like that will not get something good in this life because they wait the savior in the future's journey, if you want to be savior for your own future, don't just demand others to do something before you demand yourself to do, when you can't demand yourself to do something challenging, your mentality will drive you to play a victim wherever you go, I think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an idea how to improve your life, good luck. 

Self confidence and positive thinking


  Hi, good reader, howdy? welcome back with me, today I would like to share about the topic "Self-confidence and positive thinking", the main reason why I choose that topic because confidence has connected with positive thinking, if there is no positive thinking, the confidence isn't making a good response to what we do, now my question is "do you think self-confidence and positive thinking will change your future life?", No, isn't enough, the future will work when we execute our vision to the reality and we take a massive action until the power chooses our capacity to be future representative person, maybe it sounds simple like everyone thinks, no, it's not simple, create a massive action can't be done in 2 or 3 years, it takes longer time than 3 years, now thr question is "are you ready to accept the unpleasant experience in 3 years of taking action and endure the trial and errors?", I am not sure whether everyone will participate that chance or not since there's nobody will guarantee it, in my opinion; I believe most people will consider about the benefits first rather than they will pay the price by working hard during 3 year's period, if you are curious why not everyone is taking the part of 3 year's period because people need a guarantee from others, from that statement, I can conclude that people more believe with other people's guarantee like strategy, knowledge, colleagues, machine, massive action, rather than God's guarantee, in my opinion: people will take the wrong direction if people underestimate God's guarantee, do you know why I say such thing because act of underestimating the power of Almighty God is most tiring journey, remember this: self-confidence and positive thinking are privileges which is given by God, if people will not optimize their prowess, as impact, people's action will not touch their bright future.

  In order to know our future whether it is good or bad, it depends on our awareness level, if what we do today can't increase our knowledge, can't increase life experience, can't increase our troubleshooting skill, meaning, there's something wrong with what we learn, remember this; self-confidence and positive thinking can't abide when we play safe in our territory, self-confidence will be active when we succeed to solve other people's problem, as long as we can't give our service to solve other people's problem, as impact, our lives will get trapped in the death zone, meaning, we can't go anywhere where we want to go because our mindset blocks our creativity, our awareness and our enthusiasm, positive thinking and self-confidence will work if we dedicate to explore what we want to solve and what we want to try, remember this: lack of willingness to try is the main problem to explore our privileges, here is the first strategy how to optimize our confidence as well as positive thinking; we don't dedicate ourselves to follow every pleasure wants every time we get advantages, do you know why I say such thing because what pleasure wants is increasing our stupidity and blocking our awareness, here is the second strategy how to optimize our confidence as well as positive thinking; we dedicate to lead our privilege to meet with the problem, as we know that every single human has been endowed with different privilege from Almighty God, if we don't make our privilege to work with problem, our self-confidence and positive thinking will be worthless, starting from now, we must find a problem which it's matched with our privilege, if we don't make it, don't stop easily, if we don't try it now, we will never meet with AHA moment, I think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an insight how to improve your life, good luck.