Showing posts with label Thinking. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Thinking. Show all posts

Unhelpful thinking styles

   Hi, good readers, How are you? Today I want to share an interesting topic, namely "unhelpful thinking styles",  the reason I choose this topic is because many people are not aware when they think about something, if we look at it from the perspective of psychology, someone who is used to thinking haphazardly, They will talk without a clear solution when a problem arises,  someone who is used to thinking that is not useful, they do not use knowledge, instead they use negative emotions to express their feelings,
Unhelpful thinking styles are patterns of thinking that are often unrealistic and can exacerbate negative feelings or problems a person is facing. Here are some common examples of unhelpful thinking styles:
 1. Black-and-White Thinking (All-or-Nothing Thinking): Seeing a situation only in two extreme categories, for example considering something to be a total success or a total failure without seeing the nuances in between.
 2. Overgeneralization: Making broad conclusions based on a single incident or piece of evidence, such as thinking "I always fail" after experiencing one failure.
 3. Mental Filter: Focusing only on the negative aspects of a situation and ignoring the positive aspects.
 4. Disqualifying the Positive: Underestimating or ignoring the positive things that have happened, for example thinking that the achievements that have been achieved are meaningless.
 5. Jumping to Conclusions: Making negative assumptions without strong evidence, such as thinking other people have negative views about us without any real evidence.
 6. Magnification and Minimization: Exaggerating small problems or minimizing the importance of positive things.
 7. Emotional Thinking (Emotional Reasoning): Assuming that negative feelings reflect objective reality, for example thinking "I feel useless, so I am useless."
 8. Should/Should (Should Statements): Using words like "must" or "must" can create unnecessary stress and guilt.
 9. Labeling: Giving yourself or others a negative label based on one incident, such as calling yourself a "loser" because of one mistake.
 10. Personalization: Holding oneself responsible for things that are beyond one's control, for example thinking that the team's failure is entirely one's own fault.

 Identifying and addressing these unhelpful thinking styles is an important part of cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) and can help improve mental health and emotional well-being, I think the explanation about unhelpful thinking style is enough, hopefully this article can help you to improve your life career, good luck.

Sleep affirmations for positive thinking

         Hi smart people, howdy? hopefully you always have the abundance of happiness, health and prosperity, today I would like to share about topic “Sleep affirmations for positive thinking”, the main reason why I choose the topic above because many people feel difficult to do positive thinking, many people try to do affirmation when they sleep, but most of them can't get a new change after they do affirmation, now my question is "what makes people can't apply positive thinking?", the answer is caused by two main causes, namely they lack of doing the repetition and they are used to do some activities which can attract too much negative thinking, let me tell you that feel addicted is the result of side effect from consuming too much negative thinking and feel addicted is also the result of side effect from consuming too much positive thinking, basically we are challenged to do the balance between positive and negative energy, if we avoid the usage of negative energy by making negative preparation, we will get disappointed when our hope can't be realized in reality, before we try to do sleep affirmation, we need to let go of what they had expected about what was happened in the past 24 hours, here is my suggestion; you need to do inbound breathing exercise and out-breathing exercise before sleeping at night. 

        Here is the first strategy how to make sleep affirmation for positive thinking; you need to write down what you want to hear in the paper, the reason why you need to do this because it makes you more focused how to do sleep affirmation, if you just write something you don't want to hear, as impact, you only strengthen your negative energy and it will affect to your quality of reaction, if you hear what you are eager to hear it, as impact, you will feel renewed and you will not get the side effect from overthinking issue, 
Here is the second strategy how to make sleep affirmation for positive thinking; you need to meditate for short period of time around 5 minutes, during the meditation process, you need to whisper something to yourself about what you are grateful during past 24 hour, if you show your deepest gratitude, your subconscious mind indirectly tries to let go of your unpleasant feeling, if you succeed to let go of your unpleasant feeling, your subconscious mind will try to record new affirmation before sleeping at night, Here is the third strategy how to make sleep affirmation for positive thinking; you need to do body stretching before making sleep affirmation, the reason why you need to do body stretching because it will produce dopamine's hormone, after that, you say something about what you want to manifest, for example : "I am successful, powerful, handsome and happy", I think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an idea how to improve your life, good luck.   

Self confidence and positive thinking


  Hi, good reader, howdy? welcome back with me, today I would like to share about the topic "Self-confidence and positive thinking", the main reason why I choose that topic because confidence has connected with positive thinking, if there is no positive thinking, the confidence isn't making a good response to what we do, now my question is "do you think self-confidence and positive thinking will change your future life?", No, isn't enough, the future will work when we execute our vision to the reality and we take a massive action until the power chooses our capacity to be future representative person, maybe it sounds simple like everyone thinks, no, it's not simple, create a massive action can't be done in 2 or 3 years, it takes longer time than 3 years, now thr question is "are you ready to accept the unpleasant experience in 3 years of taking action and endure the trial and errors?", I am not sure whether everyone will participate that chance or not since there's nobody will guarantee it, in my opinion; I believe most people will consider about the benefits first rather than they will pay the price by working hard during 3 year's period, if you are curious why not everyone is taking the part of 3 year's period because people need a guarantee from others, from that statement, I can conclude that people more believe with other people's guarantee like strategy, knowledge, colleagues, machine, massive action, rather than God's guarantee, in my opinion: people will take the wrong direction if people underestimate God's guarantee, do you know why I say such thing because act of underestimating the power of Almighty God is most tiring journey, remember this: self-confidence and positive thinking are privileges which is given by God, if people will not optimize their prowess, as impact, people's action will not touch their bright future.

  In order to know our future whether it is good or bad, it depends on our awareness level, if what we do today can't increase our knowledge, can't increase life experience, can't increase our troubleshooting skill, meaning, there's something wrong with what we learn, remember this; self-confidence and positive thinking can't abide when we play safe in our territory, self-confidence will be active when we succeed to solve other people's problem, as long as we can't give our service to solve other people's problem, as impact, our lives will get trapped in the death zone, meaning, we can't go anywhere where we want to go because our mindset blocks our creativity, our awareness and our enthusiasm, positive thinking and self-confidence will work if we dedicate to explore what we want to solve and what we want to try, remember this: lack of willingness to try is the main problem to explore our privileges, here is the first strategy how to optimize our confidence as well as positive thinking; we don't dedicate ourselves to follow every pleasure wants every time we get advantages, do you know why I say such thing because what pleasure wants is increasing our stupidity and blocking our awareness, here is the second strategy how to optimize our confidence as well as positive thinking; we dedicate to lead our privilege to meet with the problem, as we know that every single human has been endowed with different privilege from Almighty God, if we don't make our privilege to work with problem, our self-confidence and positive thinking will be worthless, starting from now, we must find a problem which it's matched with our privilege, if we don't make it, don't stop easily, if we don't try it now, we will never meet with AHA moment, I think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an insight how to improve your life, good luck.