Showing posts with label The Power of Perception. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Power of Perception. Show all posts

Confidence building activities

         Hi good people, howdy? welcome back to my blog, hopefully you always have the abundance of happiness, health and prosperity, today I would like to share about topic “Confidence building activities”, the main reason why I choose that topic because not everyone realizes how to choose the activity which can increase their confidence, if you ask me why not everyone can feel high self-esteem because many of them choose the activity which can't offer high self-esteem, the key how to build confidence or self-esteem is people must choose activity which can build confidence, for example; reading the book, do the physical exercise, create the masterpiece, develop your personal character by doing something more than you can do, practice the communication skill, have good reputation, have credibility, integrity, have the adaptation skill to new environment, etc. those are human's virtues, Now the question is "how much virtue you can apply to yourself?" if you just have one or two things from human's virtue, you will lose your potential and you will have low self-esteem, remember; not all activities can build confidence, you have to ensure that the activity you choose can make you perspired and give you uncomfortable feeling in the learning process, if your activity only makes you comfort and too relax, meaning, you face the wrong path, "there is no mental growth if there is no learning process", that's point how to build confidence.

        Now, my question to you is "what will you do if you lose your confidence? remember; the frequency from what you do will make big difference for your future career, if you just do little thing for short period of time, it won't make big difference even though you work hard, basically there is no overnight success how to build self-esteem, there must be needing a huge sacrifice to build self-esteem, e.g. time length, repetition, discipline in time, strong commitment, relentless drive, unrelenting faith, remember; time will never forget how to calculate your action, your time will calculate everything you do, there is no excuse for you not trying something new because you will never know what's exact time your confidence level is increasing, at this moment I would like to share some several factors which can develop human's confidence, here is the first factor what makes human is confident: knowledge, it is difficult to obtain knowledge because we need special courage and commitment for longer period of time, if we have knowledge, other people will give us credit when we can solve other people, here is the second factor what makes human is confident: love what they do from the bottom of heart, I think the power of love can empower human's perception, as long as people love what they do, their confidence is increasing exponentially and it will never immobilize human's action, here is the third factor what makes human is confident: discipline in what they do, the main reason why discipline can give an huge effect because discipline can offer the exponential power to human being, I think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an idea how to improve your life, good luck.  

How to have a strong mindset

         Hi smart people, howdy? hopefully you always have the abundance of happiness, health and prosperity, today I would like to share about topic “How to have a strong mindset”, the reason why I choose that topic because many people feel distressed when they meet with something that burden their mind, if you ask me why people feel burdened because they don’t possess strong mindset, if people feel like that in long term game, as impact, they will get something that makes them more stressed easily, if you ask me why people get stressed easily because they don't build strong mindset, in this article I will recommend you about 3 basic components how to shape strong mindset, the first component I called “reading the situation”, the second component is “train what you go through every day” and the third component is “Leave a legacy for your capacity”, if we don’t focus on three components that I mentioned, we will never know what we are supposed to do on earth, the worst situation is we don't recognize our strength and weaknesses, now I will share to you about 6 signs how to have strong mindset, here is the first strategy how to have strong mindset; you don't run away from reality, means, you don't feel regret about what you do and you choose to be responsible what you do till the endhere is the second strategy how to have strong mindset; You embrace new problem, that second part is challenging because not everyone is willing to embrace new problem, here is the good news; if you try to challenge yourself, your life will be no boring because your mindset will adapt with the pressure and your maturity will grow up exponentially.
         Here is the third strategy how to have strong mindset; you don’t focus on what you can’t control, this is part of strong evidence that you have faith about what you control and you let Almighty God controls what you can’t control, this is not easy method because most people I know, they try to control everything around them, no wonder if they can get stressed easily because they don't know what they control and what they can't control, the more we focus to something we control, the more we get closer to the progress, the more we focus to something we can't control, the more we get closer to depression statehere is the fourth strategy how to have strong mindset; you solve other people’s problem although you still have own problem,  this is kind of sense of caring, this character is not easy to do because most people care about their beloved people, such as family, comrade, etc. but if you apply this strategy within your daily habit, you will be able to receive something more than what you expecthere is the fifth strategy how to have strong mindset; you are willing to take calculated risk, means, you are not making aggressive action, instead, you are ready to take the risk and you show your best performance even though you may get the possibility of failure, people who dare to take calculated risk, means, they are ready to take huge profit when they can take calculate risk, remember; life's challenge doesn't intend to make you loss, but it intends to promote your capacity to get big responsibility, here is the sixth strategy how to have strong mindset; you don't fear of failure, this attitude teaches us how to stay patience because not all circumstance in life can follow what we want, remember this; fear is not something we need to fear, instead we should fear if we don't do something when the world needs something, I think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an idea how to improve your life, good luck.   

How to change your life in a year

         Hi smart people, howdy? hopefully you always have the abundance of happiness, health and prosperity, today I would like to share about the topic “How to change your life in a year”, the main purpose why I choose that topic because most people still are trapped in the same life journey again and again, besides that, most people only focus how to build self-adjustment with their own expectation and avoid the pain, no wonder many people get unnecessary failure because they do something with their own default system, not trying to build something new with their new mindset, remember; change our life is started from our mindset and our suffering level, if we don't expand our mindset and explore our suffering level, our life will be the same again and again, let me remind you, the worst life story is being ignorant person and not desiring to know more about oneself qualification, here is the weapon how to change our life in a year ; willing to suffer, willing to adapt with the adversity and willing to evolve inborn skill, we can’t break that life rule as long as what we do is oriented with our recent qualification because life game is always renewed in every single day, we must break our limit which is restricted by our egoin this article let me explain about how to change your life in a year through 3 steps, here is the first step how to change your life in a year; “ we must let our mental is suffering every day”, the purpose of suffering test is breaking our own limit and welcome new potential through accepting new problem, remember this note; hard work, dedication, consistency and commitment are part of life suffering test, if there is no suffering, there is no new hope.

       Here is the second step how to change your life in a year, “life is adaptation”, meaning, we need to remove our ego when life is trying to show us with something opposite from our expectation, let me remind you that life is not designed to follow human's expectation, instead, life is designed to give the strength to human by giving a lot of pressure and giving what human really hate, in order to survive, we need to forget about our hatred feeling and we need to follow the life's design and the law of universe, if what we do is related with our enthusiasm, we can keep going, to monitor the goal we set, so we need to combine between enthusiasm, focus and life's pressure, if we think life pressure we receive is too high, we must stop from moment and try to make contingency plan to make our goal is easy to do, during adaptation process, we will be forced to suffer a lot during 1 year period, that's the requirement how to change our lives, if there is no suffering, there is no value, here is the third step how to change your life is a year, I call “habit revolution”, at this step, we need to know what habit does something to us, besides that, we need to evaluate between negative habit and positive habit we set every day, if we realize our positive habit is more dominant than our negative habit, we optimize our positive habit, we try to inspire what we know to other people and solve as much as problem we love, I think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an idea how to improve your life, good luck.   

Trust but verify

     Hi smart people, howdy? welcome back with me, Fian, hopefully you always have the abundance of happiness, health and prosperity, today I would like to share about the topic “trust but verify” the main reason why I choose that topic because many people are educated to be slavery during they were childhood rather than being educated how to be an independent person, many of us are educated by parents and teachers how to trust something without verifying it, if this condition becomes habit, we must be ready to get deceived by unknown circumstance in every single day, almost all adult people forget about their own mistake where they always consider all opportunities can be obtained by trusting it, but in the fact, not all opportunities can bring the good fortune, opportunity is just testing our awareness, as long as we don’t verify about the opportunity's background or its history, we let the dangerous thing will destroy our inner peace, in the real life, many people are just making split second decision when they get opportunity, whereas every opportunity can deceive us at anytime when we don't verify it first, so before we sell our trust to other people, it must be exchanged with logical reason first, remember this advice; "verify something is the beginning strategy how to reduce the pain of regret in the future", we would better to lose opportunity rather than being slavery from our misstep, we can’t always have new opportunity to rewrite history in our life journey, but the first thing we can do is stop being a slave when we are capable to do something useful, if there is someone who commits to become a slave because they deliberately sell their own trustworthy to something unverified, if this condition becomes habit, it will become perpetual habit and we will lose our self-confidence as bad consequence.

   Basically our pain is not coming from affliction, but it comes from our mistrust, we must leave behind something undeserved to learn if we want to get something deserved to learn, it is just like the proverb “if we don’t sow something good, we don’t reap something good”, if we don’t leave something undeserved to learn, we will never get something we deserved to learn, that’s law, trust is like passing the key to someone before he enters your palace's territory, if you want to sell your trust to other people, you must be ready to get disillusioned when your expectation doesn't match with reality, this kind of perception must be built earlier if we want to get stronger and better, please don’t sell your trust to anybody before you find someone who can appreciate your personalityin the real life, people who have no integrity, they tend to spend their time to sell something cheap, tantalized and it's unqualified to win situation in any transaction, remember this; selling trust doesn’t have same meaning with act of selling your skill set to the job you have got in the company, if you commit to sell your trust, it will take a long time for preparation because your background will be verified first by the company, but when you sell your skill set in the job, you will get money but you will not get the power of authority to manage all systems in the company, starting from today, you have to practice how to recognize your personality, weakness point, strength point and self-love long time ago before your preparation will be needed in the future, maybe you will ask me “when I will get rewarded from selling my preparation?” the answer; you will get rewarded at coincides you sell your preparation has matched with your personal integrity, I think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an idea how to improve your life, good luck.  

Carpe diem meaning


    Hi smart people, howdy? welcome back with me, Fian, hopefully you always have the abundance of happiness, health and prosperity, today I would like to share about the topic “carpe diem meaning”, the main reason why I choose that topic because it’s kind of reminder for us how to seize opportunity as soon as possible rather than keep waiting of someone else’s help, as we all know everyone has different purpose and different mission, we can’t demand other people to make opportunity for us if we ourselves are not ready to face with our internal problem, that’s the key how to know more about our identity, every single person has own responsibility to take control their own fate, if we can’t fix our internal problem, such as internal communication, internal peace, internal stupidity, internal fear or internal false belief, so other people can’t fix it, only we ourselves can fix it internal, it takes several years before we will get the exponential result, now I have question to you, what would you mind if your good opportunity has not appeared yet?, there are two options to answer it; you focus to pursue your own gratification or you focus how to find your true potential through seize the day and do it a little thing consistently, remember this note; carpe diem meaning, you live not to waste your time for your behalf, but you seize the day by doing something at your best as if your time to live is only 24 hours, you can it takes a lifetime of experience, if you focus on how to find your carpe diem, you will see your own potential, in order to take carpe diem, you will meet with new mistake over and over again until you don’t deserve to get the same level of the failure, remember this advice; the purpose of carpe diem is to remind you that your time is limited, your opportunity is limited, you act is limited, your wisdom is limited, so you have no place to indulge your satisfaction.

   If you can’t stand to find new experience in your carpe diem, you will be forced to accept regret and ignorance, time is like the capital, if you just use your life to get entertained from the social media or the news or television, your future will entertain you with irrelevant matters, such as you will lose your major things in life, such as you lose your self-confidence, you aren't enthusiast about your time freedom, you are desperate easily, you are angry easilyremember this; building carpe diem is like building relationship with bank, if you want to get big opportunity, you have to deposit your money into your bank account and you keep adding your money into your deposit account until the bank tells you that you can withdraw your money, in the real life it's same thing, you can’t ask opportunity to provide what you want before you invest your efforts to work with your intuition, talent, expertise and faith, life only provides something you need, not something you want, in order to make good relation between you and your future, you have to have faith first and do something as if you had received something you deserve it, if you really want to possess good opportunity in life, you have to ask yourself “how much responsibility I can bear if I have to live longer on earth?”, you need to care of what people concern about daily problem and help them as best as you can, that’s strategy how to know whether your life is really valuable or not, I think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an idea how to improve your life, good luck.