Hi, good reader, howdy? welcome back to my article, today I would like to share about the topic "Examples of confirmation bias", the main reason why I choose that topic because many rules at the company pushing the workers to discipline in what they practice every day, besides that, many rules limit workers behavior until they need to behave like robotic machine, every morning many workers are faced with the traffic jam which often occurred in daily basis, after that, they must lock in and lock out with their finger print to ensure they do the same thing over and over again, before people start to work, they must follow the instructions and read the daily affirmation bias at workplace, e.g. "before using the jig, the operator must do pretest to ensure the jig is well operated", or "please tell to your supervisor when there's something wrong with the production process" or "don't do any attempt when you meet with something doesn't work", basically people who work at the company don't have any good moment for making self-positive talk as the daily confirmation bias, remember; people who don't access their own words as the confirmation bias, as impact, they betray their intuition and betray their talent, do you know why I say such thing because they let the company does something for the workers's future lives, based on psychological research; people who don't have daily confirmation bias as their own version, as impact, they will torment their own lives because they don't give their own lives with strength, energy and quality time, you don't need to agree with my point of view, you just need to reflect to what you had done in recent days, if you build the moment of happiness with your version, meaning, you build your own future with your daily confirmation bias, e.g. I am strong enough to endure the complex problem in this life, I love this life just like I put my sense of love into my own life.
These blogs are designed how to learn more about human's mindset, behavior, habit and deep belief, plus, observe about the life system and philosophy.
Examples of confirmation bias
Implicit bias meaning
Hi, good reader, howdy? welcome back to my article, today I would like to share about the interesting topic "Implicit bias meaning" the main reason why I choose that topic because not everyone is aware about the implicit bias, if you ask me why many people apply the implicit bias because they like to idolize something they believe until they don't think about it consequence, here is the definition of implicit bias is kind of ideology where it teaches the combination between attitude, stereotype and belief which affect individual person's mindset when one is trying to treat other people, the function of implicit bias is mental process's shortcut when it wants to judge someone, here is the side effect when we apply implicit bias too often is we can't become new person whom we will admire in the future, the root of cause is the type of ideology's implicit bias will teach people to behave as if they were morally righteous and never wrong, there are several types the implicit bias in common thing where it has been applied by human being into reality, e.g. race, ability, gender, culture, language, here is the advice which may help you how to avoid the implicit bias; when you meet with something new, please don't try to change something before you understand its function and its weakness, remember; other people don't need what you change, people only concern about the impact, be flexible like a water if you want to adapt well with other people, don't let other people will add with something what your soul doesn't need, what your soul needs is peace, knowledge, good value, and justice, if we look at reality, many people behave like they always do with what they believe, even though people don't know about the effect of implicit bias, they tend to behave as if they were self righteous, when people meet with new person who doesn't have the same ideology like what they have, they tend to label someone who doesn't have the same ideology with something irrelevant, let me give you an example of the impact from the implicit bias in reality; bullying activity, protest, demand the standard minimum wage implicate that people idolize their implicit bias in real life, that's bad ideology.