Showing posts with label Obstacles. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Obstacles. Show all posts

Summary of the obstacle is the way

Obstacle is part of puzzle of solid path

         Hi smart people, howdy? hopefully you always have the abundance of happiness, health and prosperity, today I would like to share about topic “Summary of the obstacle is the way”, the main reason why I choose that topic because many people hate about the obstacle, if we use different point of view, the obstacle is not something which can block human's hope, instead, the obstacle is new way of how to understand new reality, so basically there is no failure, no adversity, no betrayal, no rejection can kill human's hope, those are the part of how to expand human's awareness level, every obstacle is designed by God to ascertain the human’s strength, dignity, talent, authority, faith, knowledge and character to be used to the proper direction, if there is no obstacle, people will follow their wishful thinking, the main problem why people consider every obstacle is morally unacceptable because they just follow their skeptical mind and they accept what they know so far as faith, if we want to be successful person, everything in life should considered as gift, the obstacles included, remember this; obstacle will not give a bad influence to people as long as they have a clear vision, good faith, good habit and great passion to do something vastly. 

 Every obstacle will unlock the human’s potential as long as human consider obstacle is like the stepping stone, obstacle will teach human how to strengthen mentality and help human how to endure the mental pain or suffering for long period of time, There is no unworthy thing in this life as long as you use optimize your power to create the possibility, if you think everything in this life is the obstacle, as impact, the miracle will not stand next to you, remember this note; everything around you is the miracle, but it depends on how you visualize and how you perceive something, when you get bad when you meet problem, means, you block the miracle to come, basically every obstacle is kind of self-help, not the part of self-humiliated, do you know why I say like that because the greatest momentum comes from what human can't finish, as long as you consider yourself that you can finish everything around you, you can't attract the miracle, starting from now, don't train yourself how to hate the obstacle, instead of train yourself how to love the obstacle, remember the last note ; the miracle lies in the obstacle, not lies in the human's desire, I think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an idea how to improve your life, good luck. 

5 things to know before the market opens

         Hi smart people, howdy? hopefully you always have the abundance of happiness, health and prosperity, today I would like to share about topic “5 things to know before the market opens”, the main reason why I choose that topic because many people aren't ready to provide what the market need when it opens in public place, if you ask me why people aren't ready to provide what the market needs because they don't let their provider is filled with the resource, the word "resource" means knowledge, the marketplace's emotional needs, and the power of surrender to Almighty God, if you fill your resource with 3 things I mentioned, you can get something better than you imagine and you will be happier than you should do, remember this advice; your life will not change when you just satisfy your daily needs and think about your satisfaction, you need to spend out around 10% of your time to share your resources to people who need your resource, the reason why people's resource can't be used because they exchange their time with the money they receive from their work, as long as people consider money as the end goal, as impact, they will not get something better than money and their life journey will get stuck in dilemma and confusion because money will control people's daily habit. 


          At this moment, let me share something to you how to prepare your resource before the market opens, hopefully these strategies can help you to sustain your business area, here is the first thing to know before the market open; you must observe about the data which is related with the customer's complain, the reason why you need to do it because the data will help you to monitor whether your resource is ready or not, before the market opens, you need to prepare your resource, if you have enough data, at least you can minimize the customer's complaint which may impact after you open the market, here is the second thing to know before the market open; you need to observe about the data which talks about customer's behavior in the previous moment, the reason why you need to do that because the data can help you how to know about the customer's pain, if your resource can relieve the customer's pain, you will not get something worst at your business,  here is the third thing to know before the market open; you need to train or remind your team with your business's vision, if you just work hard alone, you may not get something far way than what your resource can do, here is the fourth thing to know before the market open; you need to collect some data which is related with customer's advice, this is very important thing, you don't collect the customer's advice, you will not get new resource, sometimes a little advice can offer you a new power, here is the fifth thing to know before the market open; you need to decorate your business like your customer's homebase, meaning, you give an access as if the customers feel like at their home, I think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an idea how to improve your life, good luck.  

Serious procrastination problem

         Hi smart people, howdy? welcome back to my blog, hopefully you always have been given with the abundance of happiness, health and prosperity, today I would like to share about Serious procrastination problem, the main reason why I choose that topic because most people think procrastination is part of de-stressing, but in fact, they don't realize procrastination is part of the mental block which can hold people back from growing their potential, if you ask me why many people behave procrastination because their target is not having the urgent case or the deadline, in my opinion; that's mental problem, do you know why I say such thing because people only want to set the target which can make them comfort, if people want to succeed at something great, they must consider every target is having the deadline, the more often people push them harder to commit with the target, the more they can finish the target quicker than the deadline's target,  remember this note; people will not do something better if they haven't put themselves into the crisis, besides that, people can't survive in this life if they only set the target which is making them comfort, at this time, let me give you the information about the risk if people are having the procrastination habit, here is the first risk will happen if people behave procrastination ; they will feel more paralyzed than their first state because they don't optimize their clear purpose, if this circumstance isn't stopped yet, as impact, people will never be able to catch new opportunity because they aren't serious with the deadline's target. 

     Here is the second risk will happen if people behave procrastination ; people will lose the momentum to gain a sense of urgency, meaning, people will lose the opportunity to get new power when they will not do something in urgent case, on the other word, we can say, people will lose energy which can make them paralyzed to do something, the main reason why most people like to procrastinate something because they like to compare between what they think and what they feel, if they can't feel any benefit from what they do, they aren't willing to do something, that's the major problem which cause most people's lives can't change to get better, in my opinion; people need to pay the price if they want to get extraordinary life, the price they need to pay is dedication, discipline, commitment, consistence, responsibility and endurance, so there is no shortcut how to change better life quickly, remember this note; good fortune can't be lured by sweet promise, short term process, procrastination's habit and comfort zone, but good fortune can be lured with self demanding to do something more than they are paid, here is my conclusion; people who usually want to procrastinate doing something because they underestimate about their own belief,  here is the key how to stop procrastination forever is imagine that you can't pay the bill because you already being broke, if you can implant that mindset to you, I am sure you will not dare to behave procrastination because you have to fulfill a sense of urgent needs, I think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an idea how to improve your life, good luck.   

Disturbance definition

        Hi smart people, howdy? welcome back with me, Fian, hopefully you always have the abundance of happiness, health and prosperity, today I would like to share about the topic “Disturbance definition”, the main reason why I choose that topic because not everyone realizes that every disturbance is produced by their insecurities feeling and perception, most people try to project their unclear imagination by giving energy to the target where it doesn't offer high energy, basically there are two types of disturbance, namely, short time of disturbance and long term disturbance, let me explain it, short time disturbance is defined God's plan, meaning, we are suggested not to follow our decision, instead, we are suggested by God to follow His instruction, whereas, long term disturbance is defined by our misleading ideology, dangerous daily ritual, and poor morale culture, the definition of disturbance is the unknown system which is designed to make us choose something in the critical way, every disturbance is happened when we think life is unjust and we reject to accept God's wisdom, as human being, we shouldn't criticize God's creation and God's plan because Almighty God is more superior and omniscient, if we want to stay secure, we must stay on the God's track, remember; emotional disturbance is provoked by our wants, not our skill set or knowledge, people who have low disturbance, they focus how to build ability, not pursuing their want.

          I want you to imagine disturbance is like the gift where it can't be given by other people's ability, as human being, we should prepare the negative anticipation and do something which offer high enthusiasm, we must challenge ourselves to fail big rather than enduring the pain of regret in everlasting, we must focus on the target where it can offer inspiration, the more we overhang our focus to the clear object area, the more we receive inspiration from it, sometimes we need to face the obstacle in order to test whether our focus frequency is strong enough to execute the goal in realityour perception must be stronger than our feeling if we want to change the outer world, any disturbance will not disturb us if we only limit our focus and stop paying attention to the object where it is unrelated to what we pursue, our perception will not work if we just follow other people’s private lives, our perception will work when we ourselves eliminate your ego and start to discover a new insight from the adversity, rejection, inconvenience, remember this; our ego is long term disturbance, it isss always hurting our mind and our soul, so don't let it grows, we must develop our mindset every day by learning what our intuition wantswhen our ego is gone, our inner disturbance will disappear, I think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an idea how to improve your life, good luck.

Perception and reality

     Hi smart people, howdy? welcome back with me, Fian, hopefully you always have the abundance of happiness, health and prosperity, today I would like to share about the topic “Perception and reality”, the main reason why I choose that topic because not everyone can understand what's difference between perception and reality, if you want to go far beyond your limitation, your habit must do something until you feel surprised about the result, as we can know that “limitation comes from ego”, so we can’t change our life pattern by relying from it, every limitation can’t be upgraded to get higher position unless you leave your ego and you start to make new journey by making wide-ranging discussion between you and your vision scenario, this strategy is not easy to deal with, but there is nothing impossible until you decide not to fear of being wrong, in order to increase the magnitude of perception, you need to break self-limitation and start to visualize the possibility of change, remember this; if you want to create new perception, you must challenge yourself to do something beyond your hatred feeling, besides that, you must face new adversity and let reality manifests what you perceive so far.

      You just need to explore your perception by finding new information and you keep doing it until you get enlightened and your self-confidence is increased, your main job in life is how to create new space of your wealth by having passion of learning what you don't knowin order to create new space of wealth, you must challenge yourself to do something you never did, you will not know how the life works until you dare to face your fear, this strategy can help you to open your wide-ranging vision, besides that, you need to stay discomfort and happy with the training program which is given by life system, remember this note; don’t try to limit yourself when you face new adversity because one of problem you faced can wide your vision and help you to destroy your ignorance,  life is full of uncertainty, don’t get over excited when you can solve one problem and don't get over sad when you can't find a way because tomorrow is still mysterious day and it is going to give you bigger problem if you aren't preparing your skill set, here is the additional note; not all problem you face can be finished by your money, if you think every problem can be solved by money, means, you don't really face the real problem, instead you face with financial problem, don’t lower your qualification just because you succeed to solve the problem because it can decrease your power of perception and increase your gratification degree, it’s not good idea, please keep working with your skill set if you want to get abundance of happiness, prosperity and health, I think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an idea how to improve your life, good luck.

How to become an expert


   Hi smart people, howdy? welcome back with me, Fian, hopefully you always have the abundance of happiness, health and prosperity, today I would like to share about the topic How to become an expert”, the main reason why I choose that because many people start to complain when they find something weird or unusual to which happened into them, whereas study to stay remaining is the beginning path how to become an expert in every situation, sometimes not all the things we have can match perfectly with outer circumstance, we are faced with two option; endure it or leave it, if we prefer to endure, we must feel so much pain during adaptation, but if we prefer to leave, we will never become an expert, please consider it for moment, I don't ask you to stay forever in the circumstance you hated, but learn something until you are ready to step to the higher challenge, all is started with the tranquility of your mind, if you think every minute is your miserable, you will feel like enduring it in every hour of adversity, you must learn how to stay calm, if you don't find your own way, you can see what other people do when they feel in the same way as you do, don't think outer circumstance is kind of punishment, but you need to consider every circumstance you meet is going to direct you to the right direction, the first pain you will feel during you adapt with your self improvement is you accept many rejections within yourself and you are not going to be happy to do something, that's normal, if all circumstances can make you happy, means, you don't grow well, sometimes you need to ignore your sense of miserable if you want to be mature, here is the first quality you need to do if you want to become an expert is curb your desire and find your specialty by practicing what your inner born saying to you every day, the reason why we need to do this because our desire can block our practical experience growth and sometimes our desire can make us feel guilty about the result we don't expect.

   Becoming an expert doesn’t mean we will never mistake after we do the right thing, instead we will dive into our deep mistake and we feel contemplated, that’s part of understanding processsometimes we need to master every failure journey for long time period before we get into higher level of disappointment experience, that's method how to become an expert in any circumstance, as the Samurai expert, Miyamoto Musashi in Japan said “ your mind is your best weapon”, means, don’t ever fill your mind with circumstance, but fill your mind as the last chance to adapt, if you keep thinking like this, you will not waste every opportunity you meet, so don’t act following base on customary belief but act base on your instinctive idea, that's simple strategy to grow our life journey, sometimes we need to keep analyzing about our strength and weaknesses point in every day rather than thinking about other people's weaknesses, to become an expert, we need to stay curious about little thing we don't know about the universe and make it alive within our life experience and let other people find you and collect your expertise, if you think becoming an expert can make you feeling alone, you can say to yourself “I know my mind is going to ask me to follow this game, unfortunately I am going to observe you but I don’t join your game”, that’s part of mind hacking, sometimes our mindset can kill ourselves when we don’t stay alert about what mind tells something to us, here is the second quality you need to do if you want to become an expert is don’t expect good, but expect wrong, the reason why you need to behave like this because every good thing will stop you to learn more, whereas expect wrong can create the variant of new learning method and you will feel wiser although you never imagine how to become wise person I think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an idea how to improve your life, good luck. 

Carpe diem meaning


    Hi smart people, howdy? welcome back with me, Fian, hopefully you always have the abundance of happiness, health and prosperity, today I would like to share about the topic “carpe diem meaning”, the main reason why I choose that topic because it’s kind of reminder for us how to seize opportunity as soon as possible rather than keep waiting of someone else’s help, as we all know everyone has different purpose and different mission, we can’t demand other people to make opportunity for us if we ourselves are not ready to face with our internal problem, that’s the key how to know more about our identity, every single person has own responsibility to take control their own fate, if we can’t fix our internal problem, such as internal communication, internal peace, internal stupidity, internal fear or internal false belief, so other people can’t fix it, only we ourselves can fix it internal, it takes several years before we will get the exponential result, now I have question to you, what would you mind if your good opportunity has not appeared yet?, there are two options to answer it; you focus to pursue your own gratification or you focus how to find your true potential through seize the day and do it a little thing consistently, remember this note; carpe diem meaning, you live not to waste your time for your behalf, but you seize the day by doing something at your best as if your time to live is only 24 hours, you can it takes a lifetime of experience, if you focus on how to find your carpe diem, you will see your own potential, in order to take carpe diem, you will meet with new mistake over and over again until you don’t deserve to get the same level of the failure, remember this advice; the purpose of carpe diem is to remind you that your time is limited, your opportunity is limited, you act is limited, your wisdom is limited, so you have no place to indulge your satisfaction.

   If you can’t stand to find new experience in your carpe diem, you will be forced to accept regret and ignorance, time is like the capital, if you just use your life to get entertained from the social media or the news or television, your future will entertain you with irrelevant matters, such as you will lose your major things in life, such as you lose your self-confidence, you aren't enthusiast about your time freedom, you are desperate easily, you are angry easilyremember this; building carpe diem is like building relationship with bank, if you want to get big opportunity, you have to deposit your money into your bank account and you keep adding your money into your deposit account until the bank tells you that you can withdraw your money, in the real life it's same thing, you can’t ask opportunity to provide what you want before you invest your efforts to work with your intuition, talent, expertise and faith, life only provides something you need, not something you want, in order to make good relation between you and your future, you have to have faith first and do something as if you had received something you deserve it, if you really want to possess good opportunity in life, you have to ask yourself “how much responsibility I can bear if I have to live longer on earth?”, you need to care of what people concern about daily problem and help them as best as you can, that’s strategy how to know whether your life is really valuable or not, I think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an idea how to improve your life, good luck.