Showing posts with label Goals. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Goals. Show all posts

Relaxation techniques

relaxation near nature is must

          Today I would like to share how to deal with relaxation techniques, the reason why I choose that topic because relaxation is very needed to cure the side impact from depression, relaxation can be done when we use the human’s emotional intelligence correctly, the principle of emotional intelligence is receiving information from provider first, then we give reaction as comprehensive understanding process, after that we select which best emotion we should prepare to match with information, all one cycle process needs healthy mind, our body is like a machine and it needs relaxation, every human mind and body need relaxation, there are three ways how to get relaxation technique, the first technique how to make relaxation is making incantation about "positive words or grateful words" everyday, the second technique is doing a deep meditation, it's has potential to reduce 25 % disappointed feeling, the third technique is looking for enlightenment from the trusted reference.

relaxation near beach is good option to discard negative mindset

          Relaxation techniques basically can’t be created when we don’t have enough resourcefulness, if we see in the reality life, all people want to feel secure but they do in contrary namely they still compare between the future's time and the past's time, in my opinion; that action will give opportunity to destroy someone's future because they complaint about the time, the most important how to help depression people is awakening their feeling of enthusiasm, the relaxation will follow us when we can control where our emotional intelligence is going, the result of emotional intelligence are discipline, commitment and consistent. 

relaxation technique can draw the unlimited potential energy through nature

Please note; relaxation technique will not be awakened when we don’t practice with our resourcefulness, if you want to find your resourcefulness, dig your potential with knowledge by using your curiosity, use your curiosity to create idea how to make the relaxation technique, do it every day as if you were hungry with relaxation, here is the good news, future time is having a price, when you want to pull your big dream from future, you pull your relaxation technique by using your resourcefulness that's the tool which we can use for drawing unlimited opportunity, relaxation technique is like a magnetic program, it can pull something greater rather than you can imagine it, relaxation technique will give you the additional strength to prolong your peaceful life, when you think chasing dream is really absurd, try to learn how to get the relaxation technique, if you really think you can survive with relaxation technique, no one will stop you to pursue your dream.

Doing the right thing at the right time


    Hi, good readers, howdy? welcome back with me, Fian, hopefully you always have the abundance of happiness, health and prosperity, today I would like to share about the topic “Doing the right thing at the right time”, the main reason why I choose that topic because it reminds me about God’s plan, He said in the Koran Surah Al Mu’minun (23) verse 115 “did you think that we created you uselessly and that to us you would not be returned?”, the meaning of that verse; every single human is prepared to do the right thing and every decision we can choose is going to be our responsibility and it would be returned to God, if we spend our major time to do something useless and our action can invite the dangerous to the future, that’s mean, we lose our essence of living and our life path will enter into darkness automatically, before we spend our time to do something, we must analyze about the root cause first before we plan to do something, if what we do can't increase our enthusiasm and it can't build good habit for the future, that means, we're doing the wrong thing, if we are making habit of bad thing, it will prophesy our future and we will never escape to accept a bad consequence, the criteria how to do the right thing is we must feel overwhelmed, if we don't, we aren't growing, in my opinion; if we feel overwhelmed, it's part of creating a new good habit, don't hope doing the right thing is easy, to attract good thing in our lives is not easy because we must leave those people who can’t teach us how to do the right thing, it is not cruel way, but this is firm decision which can drive you to the higher different level from previous challengeyou must dare to say “no” to people who just mind their own private matters without knowing how to adapt with new demand from the future.

    Remember this note; we will never feel enough if we just receive something bigger from other people’s help without we are making balance by giving something bigger to others, I just want to remind you about the universe's law, "if we want to get something bigger, we must give something bigger, if we want to attract many great people in our lives, we must become great person who can offer the good value to the great people, if we want to marry with kind person, we must become kind person", that's universe's law, the first attempt how to start doing the right thing is we need to have good intention and long term preparation, the problem why most people can't make long term preparation because they lack of positive vibration, at this moment I would share about several benefit of positive vibration, here is the first benefit if we can attract positive vibration: we will be pursued by the abundance of life, means, we can get more idea easily wherever we go and we will not feel lacking of possessions although we aren't the rich person, to get pursued by the abundance of life, we must do the right thing repeatedly at least 5 years until we obtain new personality, it’s impossible for us to do the right thing if we own negative vibration, we need several years of good habit in order to accelerate our subconscious mind's signal which it tries to attract good vibration, here is the second benefit if we can attract positive vibration; we feel enthusiast every time we attempt to learn something new and we don’t feel working in pressure, based on that statement, we can conclude that feeling joy while we do something in daily routine is better rather than we earn a lot of money with a boring job, I think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an idea how to improve your life, good luck.

Best way to improve concentration


     Hi, good readers, howdy? welcome back with me, Fian, hopefully you always have the abundance of happiness, health and prosperity, today I would like to share about the topic “Best way to improve concentration”, the main reason why I choose that topic because not everyone focuses about how to make their better, the root cause why they can't focus how to make better life because most of them use their focus how to get something easily and not to do something which they never didif they keep focusing how to get something easily without any desire to learn more, they have indulged in their own fear, worry and other destructive form of thinking, eventually their subconscious mind will accept their negative thoughts as main command, remember this advice; before we wish to get something good, we have to make worse case scenario as anticipation before the bad thing appears in our lives, although disaster is not always happening in our lives, at least we must measure our cost of learning and our cost of living, if we can't control our will, our focus can't get improvedthe first thing we need to know before we want control our will is we focus on our capability and our mental capacity, to estimate our capability, we must know about time length we need to learn it before the real problem came, whereas, to estimate our mental capacity, we need to challenge our curiosity to take more responsibility.


     Now let me give you illustration how to use focus to the good destination; there is someone who has financial problem almost 20 years, he always works hard at the company, but he still has financial problem again and again, if he just focuses how to get more money, he will never find solution how to get out from financial problem, but if he studies about financial education, such as how to control expenses, spending habit, finally he doesn't get financial problem, from the short story above, we can conclude that "if we focus on the good, the good gets better", here is the best way to improve concentration is stop expanding your hope and don't underestimate what you can do, the reason why you must stop doing this because there is nothing can guarantee our hope and we aren't authorized to control our time, basically, there is no time management, there is only priority management, if we don't know about the future, what we can do as human being is how to focus on the learning process and stay concentrated to the clear target we have set, remember; our focus is like laser rays, we can improve our concentration if we always do something which resonates with our enthusiasmif we focus on what we are interested, we will get the abundance of life, if we just focus on what makes our feeling is uninterested, as impact, we will lose our disciplined action and enthusiasmI think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an idea how to improve your life, good luck. 

My careers future


    Hi, good readers, howdy? welcome back with me, Fian, hopefully you always have the abundance of happiness, health and prosperity, today I would like to share about the topic “My careers future”, the main reason why I choose that topic because not everyone can take day off from their career although there is holiday, some people can’t take holiday because they believe working hard will create a bright career, meanwhile they forget that their career time is very limited, as long as people just sell their time and effort to make money without making defense a strategy how to make money while they can sleep, it is like a life sentence, remember this; human is social creature, we shouldn't spend our major time to pursue career only, we can cooperate with management system where it can bridge between our masterpiece and the marketplace or we delegate other people to do something different when we are not always around for themdo you know why many people are tied tightly with their own career because they see their career like as gold mining and they don’t see their career like leaving a legacy, do you understand what I mean "leaving legacy"? It means, you must delegate what you can't control to the universe or other people or the management system to do something bigger after you have shown your dedication and commitment in your career, as long as people can’t find a way how to make their career working while they are sleeping, people’s career will push themselves to keep working until they can’t take holiday or day off whenever they want, you must beware about your typical of career, pursuing the career can’t make you happy if you just intend to get money as the final goal, you have to ensure what you do in career will improve other people’s lives and other people know what your masterpiece can do for their problem while you can take day off, that’s enough.

     If your career is creating a life sentence for you, that’s means, there is something wrong with your philosophy and you just commit yourself how to be entertained, good career can unlock your potential, not unlock your bad mood, you have to find a role model which can educate you how to improve your philosophy and you must have strong willingness to adapt with new adversity, you have to embrace with new adversity because it can alter your course of your life forever, the purpose of adversity in this life is making you adapted with new responsibility, to adapt with new responsibility, you have to practice your philosophy until it can change your ritual and habitif adversity can change your philosophy to be better, your career will not give you a life sentence, good career will not educate you how to make money in short period of time, but it can educate you how to build a better personality and it increases your standard of troubleshooting, if your career can increase your developed moral sense, you can continue your career and let other people know more about your service, the most difficult situation in career pursuit is when other people can’t appreciate your value and they devalue what you struggle for them, if your career knows what people complain and your career knows what people hope, your career will take off to the next level, remember this; if you think many people avoid to do what you do in your career, it doesn’t mean there is no opportunity at all, in opposite, opportunity comes when there is nobody can do what you do for them, your career is not giving a guarantee to other people’s lives, but your career is to ensure what people see your life as the mirror of good life, I think my explanation is enough hopefully this article can give you an idea how to improve your life, good luck. 

How do i get more flexible


    Hi, good readers, howdy? welcome back with me, Fian, hopefully you always have the abundance of happiness, health and prosperity, today I would like to share about the topic “How do i get more flexible”, the reason why I choose that topic because not everyone is willing to adapt with new change, the main problem why people can't adapt with new change because they are too loyal with their belief system until they can't escape from it, so whatever they behave, they feel and they think, the process leads them into recession, remember this; every circumstance in life offers new change, if we aren’t ready to adapt with it, our subconscious mind indirectly gives us the signal how to use negative thoughts into our behavior, such as angry, disappointed, unmotivated, revenge and regret, where is lies the problem? The problem comes in when people lack about the flexibility of will which may give them new authority to level up their capability, here is the note; "the more we know less about knowledge, the pain of regret will grow more", "the more we know more, the more we learn more", the conclusion from that advice is we must stay flexibility with what the life really wants, if we stay learning like a new student, the power of our will is going to diminish our lacking of resourcefulness, the main cause why we still fail again and again in the same level because we lack of flexibility of our commitment to try something else, the bleak future is going to happen when we are unable to offer something valuable to other people, don't let our life journey will live stagnant over the past few years because of our inflexibility towards the subject where we don't want to learn.

More flexible by keep trying

    The future is not going to wait us if we don’t prepare our trump card, the power of will is not causing our life path to recession, but inflexibility to change is causing us to live in the same problem, starting from now, we must stop doing where it can’t increase our mental capacity, such as playing the online game for many hours, watching TV or cinema more than 2 hours, playing social media more than 4 hours a day for fun only, here are the negative impacts if we can’t adapt with new circumstance; we will destroy our future’s hope, we will be forced to live into some places where we don’t think it is suitable for us, we will be pushed to use something we don’t really want to use, we will wear something we don’t want to wear, maybe we think life is cruel, it totally wrong, we just need to be more flexible, here is the first thing how I get more flexible; we change the plan when reality doesn't support what we do, the reason why we need to do like this because reality can't be changed, all we can do is adapt with reality, here is the second thing how I get more flexible; we treat the available problem like our customer, meaning, we don't complain when problem is approaching us, if we can apply like that, we don't get squeezed by the problem pressure, life is happening to us based on the type of response we send into it, life is like the mirror, if we don't like about our lives, life will attract something that can make us disgusted, we can’t blame everyone else about our misfortune, starting from today, we should train our mental strength more flexible so that we don't feel too perplexed when there is sudden problem, remember; the most pain which it is incurable, namely regret, we must realize something about the risk which lies into what we do before we let our time puts the pain of regret in our lives, I think my explanation is enough hopefully this article can give you an idea how to improve your life, good luck.   

Commitment in the workplace

Strong man only focus on commitment, not result

  Hi, good reader, howdy?  welcome back with me, hopefully your life is always imbued by the abundance of health, wealth and happiness, today I would like to share about the topic "Commitment in the workplace", the main reason why I choose that topic because commitment in the workplace is requirement, if we don't have any commitment in the workplace, our service is not needed, if we see reality now, many people don't commit to what they do in the workplace because what they think is how to work based on the job description, not to work more than what they can do in the workplace, but if we use different perception; commitment is strategy how to fulfill the company's demand, what we can sell to the workplace is our commitment, our presence and our skill, if there is no commitment from us, there is no value that can be offered to the company, making commitment in the workplace is not easy because we must do something that can make our boss is interested or impressed, sometimes we can't get an option if we commit in the workplace, do you know why? because our time will be tied with the job that requires us, if there is no demand, we will never show our commitment, the reason why many of us can't grow our skill to the extraordinary level because our valuable time and our creativity is limited.

Strong man is having strong work commitment

  The reason why we need to upgrade our work commitment because every 24 hours ahead we know nothing about that, we will never know the type of problem we face or the unexpected thing will happen to us, the best thing we can do if we realize we know nothing about the future is we sell something that human's needs, either problem solving skill or daily needs, here is the good news; the more we sell our contribution, the more we expand our influence to others, if we can create good influence to others, as impact, the future time will promote our contribution to others and we will be waited by others, I know it sounds hard to do for other people who haven't got special skill, besides that, making contribution is not like finishing overnight's job because someone needs to invest time, focus, attention, health and commitment into what he pursues in long period of time, here is the fact; people who have good intention by committing into one area, they will not do something worthless, instead, they will ensure what they do is bringing a good impact, remember; successful people commit to the problem that they can solve, unsuccessful people commit to the size of benefit they can get, the profit will come to us when we let other people to access into our service and we let our service to become other people's identity reflection, when people get something worthy from us, our work commitment will be paid properly, I think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an idea how to improve your life, good luck.  

Fixed mindset examples

Fixed mindset person does nothing

    Hi good reader, welcome back with me, Fian, hopefully you always have the abundance of health, wealth and happiness, today I would like to share about topic "fixed mindset examples", the main reason why I choose that topic because almost everyone in the world has ever tasted fixed mindset, as we know that fixed mindset is totally different with growth mindset, people who have fixed mindset, they have several features; they tend to ignore new perceptive idea from other people, they tend to reject a new change from the market demand, they tend to stop learning because they are satisfied easily with the last achievement, they tend to get angry when there is an extreme change, they aren't enthusiast to do something new, they hate with failure, rejection, adversity, uncertainty, etc. Now my question to you is "are you having those features of fixed mindset?" , in order to change people whose fixed mindset, we must give them the endurance test or new challenge which can force people's habit to do something different, maybe you give people with punishment and reward strategy, for example; you have child, you tell to him "son, if your exam test has achieved average score around 70 in every compulsory subject, I will give you a ticket to go abroad for picnic, but if you fail to get average score around 70 or you get below 70 average score, you must commit to clean the house including your room every day until one month", maybe some people think that strategy is very cruel, it is not true, this strategy will help that child to dig his potential to learn something good in order to avoid the punishment, at the same situation, child's enthusiasm starts increasing because he wants to achieve the target and also get the reward as well.

Fixed mindset person doesn't recognize his blind spot

  Let me give you fixed mindset examples, "people are too satisfied with the result until they aren't feel challenged to do something they have never did", maybe you will think that type of people will like with fixed mindset, it is wrong, fixed mindset will born when people consider benefit is the end destination of life journey, life will put us in the same situation again and again when we always do something easier and instant like we did before, the real problem in life comes from fixed belief, not economy crisis or natural disaster, human's potential will not increase if human's brain capacity isn't growing, starting from now, we must select type of person who will offer us a fixed mindset paradigm or growth mindset paradigmif there is person just gives you a sensational news, you would better to let go from him because the information he gives it to you has no high value, here is the special note; "what you think is what you become", when you feel desperate or feel inferior or feel give up easily, you indirectly build fixed mindset, not growth mindset, I think my explanation is done, hopefully this information can give you a new idea how to improve your life, good luck.   

Happy careers that pay well

Happy career will develop your curiosity

 Hi, good reader, howdy? welcome back with me, hopefully your life is imbued with the abundance of health, wealth and happiness, today I would like to share about the topic "happy careers that pay well", the main reason why I choose that topic because not many people can get paid well even though they got happy career, if you ask me why those people who work at happy career don't get pay well because they only focus how to get money first, not to focus how to develop their potential, if we use different perception regarding this topic; if you focus on money alone, it will drive you to the rat race's career, but if you focus how to develop your potential, as impact, your potential will attract the money until your potential drives you to the top career you never imagine before, remember this note; people who work for money at the first time, they will not see something special on their potential because a sense of pleasure starts blocking people's growth potential, when pleasure starts rising, people will not do something better as they should do, if we want to measure how our potential first, we start making a trial by doing something for others until we can see other people's reaction, if people give good reaction to what we do, they will try to chase something special in our potential, remember; people will pay well to us when our potential will solve other people's pain, that's the idealism in business scope, if we are serious to develop that strategy, we don't just get the happiness state, but also get well payment.

Happy career will connect with good partners

  I understand that everyone has different idealism, but I just want to remind you that not all idealism we possess will give us so much benefit in reality, Idealism will work if we can help others to change what other people can't do for themselves, if you see why many people aren't happy even though they get money in their career because they work with short term purpose, not long term purpose, happiness comes from the daily progress you have made without having interruption from other people's idealism, here is my suggestion; before you go to work, you have to ensure what you do can increase your long term potential, not money, if you are serious to work on your potential, you don't feel to work anymore because your potential will work unlimited for you and money will chase you unhesitating, here is the first strategy how to make your career will pay you well; you teach other people how to make a better life with your method, after that, you let other people access your method until they find something which can connect with their pain, if they realize their pain can connect with your service, they will call you and pay you well without making any debate for what you create, remember; people pay you well not because of logic, but people pay you because you can make other people realize something they don't know, basically their emotion will justify their logic, eventually, people's logic will buy for a logical reason, I think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an insight how to improve your life, good luck.  

Behavior definition

Good behavior always follows the one clear direction

  Hi, good reader? howdy, welcome back with me, Fian, I hope you always have the abundance of health, wealth and happiness,  today I would like to share about the topic "Behavior definition", the main reason why I choose that topic because not everyone wants to adapt with their behavior, many people prefer to pursue what they desire rather than to follow what their behavior wants, meaning, there is big difference between desire and behavior, desire is just a part of illusion / false belief which can give a high pressure to one's mind, whereas, behavior is part of mental state which creates real action which follows one clear direction until its process is done, let me explain to you about the behavior definition; act of realizing what has been started and keep continuing the clear direction until its journey will completeif you ask me why many people give up to chase their dream because they don't realize that their behavior is totally opposite with their endurance level, besides that, people don't realize that every dream offers a high pressure which demands everyone's mind to pursue itpeople who don't improve their endurance level regularly, their behavior tends to avoid what their dream wants, in addition, human's behavior tends to avoid something which offers unpleasant feeling, if we use different perception "there is no difficult term in any career if we love to try something even though we aren't sure to do", our job as human being is not convincing ourselves to finish everything until it is over, our job is ensuring our behavior is in line with the direction we have headed, that's enough, here is my recommendation to you; don't use your focus to pursue something pleasant if you want your behavior is able to attract something bigger than what you imagine, you must do something not because you want to get money or fame, you must have intention to do something useful for dealing with uncertain futureyour future investment lies in your knowledge, endurance and awareness, if you use your knowledge, your endurance and your awareness can make a better life for others, your behavior will demand the skill to follow your command and your behavior will help you to manifest what you need in the future.

Sad is caused by poor behavior 

  In order to collect knowledge, awareness and endurance, your must demand your behavior to find a problem which pushes you to solve it, if your behavior just offers comfort, instant pleasure and ease, it indicates you are doing something in the wrong directionif you just do something based on what you desire, you only get stress, complicated thing and disappointmentyou will not get what you want if your endurance and your behavior still can't endure the pressure from your dream, you must start although you don't know about the next process, if you don't know, learn to invest knowledge to your mindset, if you feel incomplete about yourself, it indicates, you lack of endurance, so you need to challenge your comfort zone by doing something inspired or excited, the more you start something you don't know, the more you leave your comfort zone which lies in your capacity, it is wonderful message, right?, God doesn't ask you to do something great, He just wants you to guide your behavior to the God's plan, if you want to know whether you are in the good career or bad one, you just need to look at your fearfulness level, if you are ready to get failure even though it takes your time to adapt with unpleasant thing, meaning, you are on the right track, but if the failure makes you worry / fear after you try something else, meaning, you work in the wrong career, remember; you can't manipulate your deepest feeling even though you want to change it, maybe you can kid other people around you, but you can't kid yourself, your behavior will guide you to fulfill God's destiny if you just use your time, focus and energy to serve what other people need through your assistance, if you are busy to satisfy yourself, your behavior will crush your peace and you will get perplexed with uncertain mental illness, I think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an idea how to improve your life, good luck.

10 ways to improve self esteem

  Hi, good reader, howdy? welcome back with me, today I would like to share about the topic "10 ways to improve self-esteem", the main reason why I choose that topic because many people don't know how to optimize their self-esteem, many of them just use their self-esteem to hide their weaknesses and also they use their self-esteem to avoid something which needs to be learnt, based on psychological research; people will show their self-esteem when they meet with something not congruent with their personality or their habit, in order to solve this issue, many people try to take the private class or the online course in order to increase their self-esteem, so they can use their self-esteem to prove what others talk is wrong, at this moment I would like to share some 10 ways to improve self-esteem, here is the first strategy to improve self-esteem; you must give your life with purpose, meaning, you give yourself with a big challenge, if you fuel your life with purpose, so you can focus how to access your natural instinct, if you already find it, you can combine your natural instinct with the problem you want to solve, that's only way how to develop an inborn skill, if you can recognize your inborn skill, as result, the skill is going to give you a privilege to upgrade your self-esteem, here is the second strategy to improve self-esteem; you have to know what's your time worth, meaning, you must try to appreciate your time with the activity you always do, if you can't feel better, maybe there is something wrong with your activity and you still don't know how to measure your time worth, if you want to improve your self-esteem, you must invest your major time with a problem you want to solve, remember this advice; "your time worth will be valued by others when you already finished your accomplishment", please try to focus on it, here is the third strategy to improve self-esteem; don't try to make a promise to others when you feel extreme pleasure, the reason why you aren't allowed to do this because your extreme pleasure lies into unstable mood, if you make a promise to others when you are in unstable mood, you will get a panic attack when you realize that your mental capacity isn't ready to fulfill your promise to others, if you want to make promise to others, you must ensure your mental capacity is in the stable mood, meaning, you are no longer being controlled by your low vibration (extreme pleasure), here is the fourth strategy to improve self-esteem; stop lying just because you want to save your self-esteem, if you want to improve self-esteem, you must know reality and the general truth, if you can't do something, don't say that you can do it later, sometimes later becomes your suffering when you can't do, here is the fifth strategy to improve self-esteem; monitor your social circle, remember; social circle will define your personality, if you want to improve self-esteem, you have to ensure your social circle will not give you a bad influence. 

  Here is the sixth strategy to improve self-esteem; stop comparing between what you can't with what others can, the reason why you aren't allowed to do that because every human is unique, if you compare your skill with other people's skill, you indirectly insult yourself, here is the seventh strategy to improve self-esteem; read the situation when you want to talk with someone, meaning, you aren't allowed to talk to someone just because you want to become a high priority person, before you talk to someone, you must read the situation towards someone whom you talk, as suppose a person whom you talked with has a mistake, if you read the situation, at least you will not scold person's mistake or you look down on someone when there are many people around, here is the eighth strategy to improve self-esteem; you create a progress to monitor your capability, the reason why you need to make a progress because the momentum of the day you make in your progress can become new revolution for your self-esteem, if your skill gradually increased, your self-esteem will be thankful to you, here is the ninth strategy to improve self-esteem; stop pursuing someone who broke your life, the main reason why you aren't allowed to pursue someone like that because you will dig your own grave when you know that person whom insulted you is undeserved person, your future friends will not welcome you if you just look back in the past person who broke your life, you just need to forgive someone who broke your life and leave them behind, here is the tenth strategy to improve self-esteem; forgive your old self and try to welcome your new self, meaning, you must forget your past even though you have tons of mistakes, every mistake you made in the past was stepping stone, if you want to see your new self, you must prepare skill, mental, energy and time to create new productive habit, remember this note; you will see your new self if you break your limitation and stay in uncomfortable zoneI think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an insight how to improve your life, good luck.

Good reading habits


   Hi, good reader, howdy? welcome back to my blog, today I would like to share about the interesting topic "Good reading habits", the main reason why I choose that topic because not everyone is willing to develop their reading habit, if you ask me why not everyone is willing to develop their reading habit because they consider knowledge is not as valuable as money, if we look at reality, knowledge plays a role as the mentor or educator, now imagine if people live in this world without any mentor or educator, how can people will live worthy?, if we compare between knowledge with money, money itself plays a role as the weapon which helps us to survive in this world, knowledge can't stand alone without money and money can't stand alone without knowledge, both can't be separated, if we combine between money and knowledge into one, it will become the major resource where it provides what human need and also helps human how to avoid the dangerous thing, now here is the big risk if human lose one of resource; people will lose their confidence and their self identity, people who only have knowledge without money will try to work forever for money, whereas, people who only have money without knowledge will try to do something dangerous, e.g. gamble, drugs, alcohol, free sex, do the satanic rituals, in my own opinion; knowledge is little bit more valuable than money even though money is also important, now the question is "how many people in this world will delegate knowledge for making better world?" the answer is "very few people will delegate knowledge for making better world", do you know what causes of it? because people lack another resource, namely money, the problem what this world facing right now is not lacking money, but lacking knowledge, even though the book store sells many books, people will not get knowledge from book because knowledge doesn't come from the book, knowledge comes from self contemplation, do the research, hard work and applying what people know to the reality after they are reading book, basically, knowledge is not free, knowledge needs huge price and sacrifice from what people have, like priority management, seriousness, commitment, unpleasant feeling, hard work, patience, etc.

   If we look at the education system at school, many students just sit down and do homework, it will not increase their curiosity power, what we can give to student is not giving homework, but the activity which drives them to find the answer by reading book, what children need is not playing around, but do something which encourages them to do until they aren't afraid to make a new mistake during learning, e.g. play dough, putting the puzzle like Lego, draw the dead object, planting the seeds in the ground, decorate the classroom, the main reason why children need to do something encouraging because their logic isn't active yet, as long as their logic isn't active yet, so we need to empower children's emotional power to do something positive and inspirational, what we can do as adult people is giving the safe facilities to children and we need to ensure the children are doing in the secure area during they are exploring something new, here is my suggestion; don't let children hate to read book, if they behave such thing, they will be skeptical when they are getting growing at adult age, at this moment I would like to share some strategies how to develop reading habit, here is the first strategy how to develop reading habit; give a curiosity test to someone and compel him to find the answer at the book, even though it takes time to find the answer, at least there is reason for someone to read book, here is the second strategy how to develop reading habit; enroll someone to the course where it teaches the foreign language, even though this strategy is simple, I am positive that someone will try to find book which is related with the foreign language because someone feels urged to adapt by learning the foreign language, I think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an insight how to improve your life, good luck.