Showing posts with label Failure. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Failure. Show all posts

10 reasons why businesses fail

       Hi smart people, howdy? welcome back with me, Fian, hopefully you always have the abundance of happiness, health and prosperity, today I would like to share about the topic “10 reasons why businesses fail”, the reason why I choose that topic because most people reject to accept failure because their mindset has been trained to accept a success paradigm from other people who had succeeded in long time ago, in fact, failure is not kind of humiliation, failure is a gift from God's mercy, the more often people reject to accept failure, the more often people are staying in the misleading course, the reason why I say such thing because some failures are inevitable, if we don't fail, we will never know how to reveal the life's riddle from Almighty God, a failure not only happens at experimental purpose at laboratories, but failure also happens at the businesses, at this moment I would like to share some reasons why businesses fail, here is the first reason why businesses fails because the business owner doesn't want to innovate their product, meaning, people only focus on their past achievement and they are over-optimistic for the future, they assume their product can fulfill the market forever, that's wrong idealism, here is the second reason why businesses fails because the business owner doesn't calculate the tolerance risk which can bring the worse impact, in the business rule, we need to minimize the risk impact by stripping down the product which it is no longer have a fast selling, here is the third reason why businesses fails because the business owner fulfill all customer's expectations, I just want to remind you that not all customer's expectation needs to fulfill, do you know why? because not all customers are responsible for our business's capacity, here is the fourth reason why businesses fails because the business owner want to get benefit quicker than the market's demand, it is absurd, if we want to get benefit quicker than the market's demand, we must become the center of market's demand, it is having irresistible offer, here is the fifth reason why businesses fails because the product can't fulfill the market's demand capacity, if it is happening, we must negotiate with the market demand and we let them know about our capacity.

Failure is just part of unfinished journey, not ending process

        Here is the sixth reason why businesses fails because the product can't be integrated with another product in the market's demand, meaning, the product is independent, it can't be used when it is combined with other products, here is the seventh reason why businesses fails because the customer hasn't found the unique in the business idea, based on research, "the customer needs to see the unique from many products in the marketplace", here is the eighth reason why businesses fails because the product can't fulfill the customer's basic need, meaning, the customer doesn't find emotional validation in the product, here is the ninth reason why businesses fails because the business owner doesn't react when the crisis is happening in the internal management, meaning, the business owner doesn't prepare the contingency plan for facing the crisis, it is dangerous thing, here is the tenth reason why businesses fails because the business owner doesn't want to collaborate with small medium enterprise, whether we like it or not, collaboration can minimize the risk and elevate the business acumen when we try to promote the market's campaign in the marketplace, the conclusion is we must be the innovation maker and we must use reality as an eye opener for our ignorance and our weaknesses, the more we improve what we build in the business, the more we elevate our self-awareness in the market, I think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an idea how to improve your life, good luck.  

Failure definition


   Hi smart people, howdy? welcome back with me, Fian, hopefully you always have the abundance of happiness, health and prosperity, today I would like to share about the topic “Failure definition”, the reason why I choose that topic because not everyone is willingly to use the power of guts to learn more, most of them use guts to pursue their obsession such as looking for opportunity or job, but few people can optimize the power of guts to taste a sense of failure, the main cause why they don’t use their guts to fail because they underestimate about the power of failure, they can’t stand with constantly uncomfortable feeling and they just use their own perception to hate about failure, if you ask me why do we need to fail because it will shape new void within our brain system and every failure we get is going to get filled with new potential, it’s not easy if we want to deal with failure because defeating failure is like defeating our darkness, maybe it needs several years before we are strong enough to get new higher failure levelhere is the good news; if you can endure the pain of failure, your potential will find something bigger than yourself and you will be pursued by unlimited potential where you can’t find a way to escape from responsibility you have chosen, as the universe law says “whatever you reap is what you sow”, there is no way to reach the top dream without passing the failure, in my opinion; we should train our mind how not to hate the failure because it is the first requirement how to unlock our potential, once we hate to fail, we fail to adapt with new demand of success, here is the failure definition; the ability to accept God's plan where it is not yet materialized into reality.

  Do you know why we need to have the guts to fail at something new? Because the life journey is full of uncertainty, if we don’t practice to fail, we will let our potential being killed in the middle of frustration feeling or the midlife crisis, failure is not the end of journey, failure is kind of adaptation process where it can help us to receive more responsibility than what we expect, if we don’t prepare ourselves to get failure, we will not be asked to hold new responsibility, it sounds crazy, but that’s the requirement we need to choose, as I told you, getting failure is the first step to getting ahead of something great, we will not know how strong we are if we have never taken the endurance test in several years, we should be grateful when we get something challenging in this life because not many people deserve to get intangible gift, if we are stronger than we were in yesterday, the day after tomorrow we will get higher responsibility, here is my advice to you; don’t stop to chase new failure during building your career because there is none other way to get succeed unless you must learn from new failure over and over again until Almighty God says “you are out of your limit, you deserve more than what you receive”, I think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an idea how to improve your life, good luck. 

The obstacle is the way

     Hi, good readers, howdy? welcome back with me, Fian, hopefully you always have the abundance of happiness, health and prosperity, today I would like to share about the topic “The obstacle is the way”, the main reason why I choose that topic because not everyone realizes that the obstacle is really existing and it's been there before we were born, besides that the obstacle often disguises in many different types, here is the first obstacle may come around is self-ignorance, means, we don't know anything about what went wrong and afraid about something too good to be true, in order to eliminate ignorance, you have to eliminate your pleasure as much as you can, if you don’t brave to do something you never tried, there is bigger obstacle will block your conscious mind as consequence, remember this advice; if there is something difficult you need to do, means, its chance for you to get stronger, here is the second obstacle may come around is curb from the bad influence, means, you prevent yourself to get caught from bad influence, it's very difficult to do because it needs a lot of courage, affliction and patience, showing your ignorance to bad influence is better than you have to deal with bad influence maker, if you realize there is something can attract bad influence to your brain memory, why don’t you try to ignore it before you are making habit of it? if you can’t ignore bad influence, your subconscious mind will ask you to make habit of it, beware of bad influence, once you’re making habit of it, you will become the next bad influence maker, you need to break the chain of bad influence by distracting your focus into another attractive object.

    Here is the third obstacle may around; laziness, the reason why people become lazy because they have too much false belief within their mindset and also they lack of information how to design a good future, that’s how the poor mindset works, if people know how to design a good future, they will do something urgently until they manifest what they want into reality, basically there is nobody in this world wants to be lazy person, they just receive a bad influence, there is nothing wrong with mindset, as long as people stay open-minded, they will receive new lesson, please beware about bad influence, you have to protect your mindset’s data because bad influence is the major problem which causes people do something dangerous, if people create dangerous habit for themselves, they tend to kill their future's hope by showing stupidity and their unproductive habit, hopefully you decide to make strong reason first before you choose to become lazy person, here is the fourth obstacle may around; lack of enthusiasm, means, you aren't interested about your life, it's dangerous behavior, if you don’t feel so good after you run your daily activity, at least you have to know your biggest failure or painful story first and you can make it as mood booster, the main problem why people lack of enthusiasm because they lack of painful story in the past where it should boost people’s mood, remember this; don't wait your feelings to change by itself, you will never change it until you take action, if you lack of enthusiasm, you have to know the reason behind it, if you don't have reason to do something good, you unknowingly enlist yourself to do something evil as bad consequence, even though the obstacle is bad in the eye of small minded person, in fact, the obstacle is the way to upgrade our standard to fulfill God's hope, I think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an idea how to improve your life, good luck.

Pursuit of perfection


    Hi, good readers, howdy? welcome back with me, Fian, hopefully you always have the abundance of happiness, health and prosperity, today I would like to share about the topic “Pursuit of perfection”, the main reason why I choose that topic because there are many people spend their major time to do something perfect and being afraid to face the uncertain thing, do you know the reason why many people go expecting perfection and hate about uncertainty? Because they always need guarantee from the source of expectation maker and they don't believe about their unlimited source which it lies in their subconscious mind, that's mindset problem, now you may ask me, why do I call it as mindset problem? Because it always attract lacking and limitation to human existence, people whose mindset such thing, they are going to be pushed to follow the expectation maker until people would suffer a lot when there is no more source of expectation maker, remember this; self-confidence is part of self-esteem, if someone can't prove that he is being reliable person who can do something bigger and valuable for others, that's means, he lacks of self-confidence and eventually he doesn't deserve what he needs in the future, remember this; sense of perfection can buy human's fear and stay perfection will delay human's mental growthI just want to remind that life system will never run perfection because the universe always offers something unimaginable to human, if life will run perfection, the power of faith and the power of vision would be useless for human.


the value of perfection will erase unlimited wealth

     As human being, we need to learn how to adapt because there is always more problem than more solution, we shouldn't not hope there is more solution rather than problem because life doesn't offer comfort, if we can’t maximize the power of faith and the power of vision, every problem in the world will destroy everything we have until we will live poor, if we are just expecting perfection, that’s mean, we expect to live in boredom and being desperate personso we must beware if our lives is not growing or stagnant, it doesn't offer solution, instead it offers more painful journeyto alter our life journey, we must train our mind to welcome problem although it comes from other people's lives, by welcoming a problem, we can help to mature our mentality, remember this; if other people's lives have changed because of our expertise, our lives have changed as well, we should fear if there is no change in our lives because we don't have any good resource to grow our future's hope, do you know where a good resource comes from? it comes from our adaptation during we face failure, every failure brings with the seed of an equivalent advantage to us if we are willing to adaptdo you know the bad effect if we will become perfectionist? We will become weak person because we don’t have enough preparation to face the problem, we must anticipate what we need to do before our time zone gets into the crisis zone, if we start something when the crisis began, we are too late and eventually we will get depressed, we must be grateful when we face a problem because it is part of Godsend for our lives, I think my explanation is enough hopefully this article can give you an idea how to improve your life, good luck.