These blogs are designed how to learn more about human's mindset, behavior, habit and deep belief, plus, observe about the life system and philosophy.
Can i sue my neighbor for emotional distress
Acute stress disorder
Acute Stress Disorder (ASD) is a mental health condition that can occur in the first month after a traumatic event. It involves stress responses, including anxiety, intense fear or helplessness, experiencing flashbacks or nightmares, etc. The symptoms of ASD are like PTSD symptoms, but you must have them for longer than one month to have PTSD.
The condition can be treated with psychotherapy (talk therapy) and may lead to post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) if left untreated, if you or someone you know is experiencing symptoms of ASD, it is important to seek professional help. You can contact a mental health professional or a crisis helpline for support.
Acute Stress Disorder (ASD) and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) are two mental health conditions that can develop after a traumatic event. While the symptoms of ASD and PTSD are similar, there are some differences between the two.
ASD is diagnosed when symptoms occur within 3-30 days of a traumatic event and last for less than a month. PTSD is diagnosed when symptoms persist for more than a month after the traumatic event, ASD symptoms include anxiety, intense fear or helplessness, experiencing flashbacks or nightmares, feeling numb or detached from one’s body, physical aggression, persistent sadness, inability to concentrate, headaches, stomach pain, and difficulty breathing.
PTSD symptoms are similar to ASD symptoms, but they are more severe and last longer. They include re-experiencing the traumatic event, avoidance, changes in thoughts and mood, and reactivity and arousal, Both ASD and PTSD can be treated with psychotherapy (talk therapy) and may require medication. If you or someone you know is experiencing symptoms of ASD or PTSD, it is important to seek professional help. You can contact a mental health professional or a crisis helpline for support, remember; ASD is not caused by the job that you take, but it comes from having a sense of rejection to adapt with something you should learn, not all you think is bad for you as long as your endurance can accept the situation, you only get acute stress when you befriend with type of people who put a toxic relationship with you, please don't make a friend with someone who don't give a damn care about your mental health, you only can be happy when you only control what you can, e.g. your behavior, your thought, your analysis, your opinion, your decision, your mindset, your faith and your five sense direction, I think my explanation is enough, good luck.
Chronic stress symptoms
Hi, good reader, today I would like to share about the topic "Chronic stress symptoms", the main reason why I choose that topic because many people get chronic stress symptoms, especially people who get a huge pressure at workplace, as we know that Chronic stress is a prolonged and constant feeling of stress that can negatively affect human's health if it goes untreated. It can be caused by the everyday pressures of family and work or by traumatic situations. as human being, we need to build a balanced lifestyle, it means we must know what's important thing and what's urged thing, we can't mix between what's important thing and what's urged thing, we need to select some activities which can shape our habit, chronic stress is started from habit which tends to oppose the natural law, Chronic stress affects both the mind and body. It produces both physical and psychological symptoms that can take a toll on a person’s ability to function normally in their daily life. Some of the most common signs of chronic stress include:
- Aches and pains
- Decreased energy
- Difficulty sleeping
- Disorganized thinking
- Fatigue
- Feeling a loss of control
- Feelings of helplessness
- Frequent illnesses and infections
- Gastrointestinal complaints
- Headaches
- Irritability
- Muscle tension
- Nervousness and anxiety
- Trouble concentrating
- Upset stomach
It is important to note that chronic stress can have different causes and there is no one-size-fits-all way to treat it. However, some common ways to manage chronic stress include:
- Exercise: Regular physical activity can help reduce stress and improve overall health.
- Relaxation techniques: Techniques such as deep breathing, meditation, and yoga can help reduce stress and promote relaxation.
- Social support: Talking to friends and family can help reduce stress and provide emotional support.
- Healthy lifestyle: Eating a healthy diet, getting enough sleep, and avoiding unhealthy habits such as smoking and excessive alcohol consumption can help reduce stress and improve overall health.
If you are experiencing chronic stress, it is important to seek professional help from a healthcare provider or mental health professional, if you don't find a professional help, maybe you can take some natural therapy which can be done individually, e.g. do physical exercises, jump at the trampoline, go out at the natural reserve, feeding the animals, the basic reason why you need to follow this therapy is to ensure that you can get out from the source of tragedy which can get you a chronic stress, I think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you a new insight, good luck.
why people can't recognize to themselves?
The art of manliness conversation
How to improve communication in a relationship
Expected value
Hi smart people, howdy? welcome back with me, Fian, hopefully you always have the abundance of happiness, health and prosperity, today I would like to share about the topic “Expected value” the main reason why I choose that topic because not many people want to can change their opinion, the main cause why people don't want to change their opinion because they are self-righteous and they are self-motivated by their arrogance to keep behaving opinionated, this kind of people tend to reject to adapt and follow their own fake belief, many people don’t realize their the quality of opinion is caused by their knowledge and perception, as long as they don’t increase the frequency of what they learn, their opinion will prophesy their future with something they have learned in the past and what they have left in the past, there are two thing of opinion model; the first model is mistrust about own self and the second model is arrogant opinion, let me explain, someone who has two kind of opinion model, he usually keeps behaving like what people always did in the past mistake, he tends to magnify the past problem and then he cultivates it to become severely problem into the real life, this kind of person will never get new opportunity to bring something good in the future because they keep implanting the wrong seed in the ground, if someone wants to get out of the evil habit's circle, he has to cut down the root of evil from what he implants in the subconscious mind by doing something good constantly though he must feel an irresistible pain in every day.
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Don't use opinion as value, but measure the difficult level of problem as value |
Our duty as the next generation is stop adding the same problem because we will never get enough time to fix the same problem which had happened in the past, no matter how hard we try, problem will end itself and problem doesn't need to wait to be solved by human because problem is just the first initial step to move us into to higher test position, all we need to do right now is we need unbiased thought and observe about new problem which may need our opinion or problem solving skill, although we have overcome one hundred of similar problem, it doesn't mean there is no problem tomorrow, so there is always more than 1000 new problem are awaiting our skill set / our opinion, don't consider there is no rest in the life journey as long as the human were born, here is the first thing you must do if you want your value can prevent something bad is asking an advice to someone are being able to solve your problem, or, you can take a note from someone who has shared something about his personal life experience, the reason why you need to use this strategy because you will unlearn your unproductive mistake and also you can use people's experience to add your vocabulary of mind.
Here is the second thing you must do if you want your value can prevent something bad is learn how to think outside the box, means, you will not use your first opinion which you usually use it when you think at the first time, and then you can add up people's opinion into yours, for example; at the first opinion; you always say to yourself "what if I failed again?", now after you think outside the box, you make the second opinion "what kind of failure if I wouldn't try? and "what benefit if I would try one more time?", there is no impossible to do as long as you choose to endure the problem in life, don't think every opinion is problem, sometimes the highest problem in the daily life also has a restricted time, problem is designed to increase your mental age / skill set, when you have increased value, your opinion will be listened by many people who have endured same problems, I think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an idea how to improve your life, good luck.
Act of kindness meaning
Hi, good readers, howdy? welcome back with me, Fian, hopefully you always have the abundance of happiness, health and prosperity, today I would like to share about the topic “Act of kindness meaning”, the main reason why I choose that topic because kindness represents the ultimate power in this life where it can create good impact to others and it can balance the life's system, we can’t release act of kindness if we can’t crush our ego, remember this note; kindness is not fake or hypocrite, kindness is showing the genuine of human’s natural character, showing the concern to others is power because we can build power of influence through that action, kindness meaning = never ask or demand other people to return something we hope, if you want to possess a big influence, integrity, prosperity, famous, abundance of health and many other things, you have to stop pursuing your optimism and stop expecting any return from other people, means, you keep developing your qualification, your personality and your competent skill without involving other people's help, if you just focus how to improve the world of inside of you, the outer world will show something beyond your expectation, the act of kindness is variety, if you share knowledge to others, it is part of kindness, if you inspire others with your achievement and your unpleasant experience, it is part of kindness, if your service can empower human's future hope, it is part of kindness, if you can feed the animals, it is part of kindness, basically act of kindness is not always bring money for charity, act of kindness is very simple, but it can be difficult when we feel unjust, disadvantaged or envy about what other people receive, remember; everything we receive from this world is the reflection from what we add value to this world, if we feel inadequate or deprived, meaning, we lessen of giving of the kindness rather than we give something valuable to others.
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The circle of kindness |
Now, I have question for you, what if people are unable to share their kindness?, the meaning; people lack of resource, lack of self-identity, lack of feeling enough, here is the bad news; if people always feel lacking or deprived, meaning, their greedy is more than their need, based in psychological research; greed is equal with fear, if people show their sense of greedy, meaning, they do something because they are motivated by their own fear, if people always feed their fear for their brain memory, as impact, they will make the irrational decision which may harm their position, remember this note; if people often create the irrational decision, they will not get a solution, instead, they will get the reflection of their fear, at this moment I would share some tips how to create kindness with simple act, here is the first thing you should do how to create kindness with simple act; every month you treat your family member by dinner together at restaurant, even though this action can be done when you have money, if you don't invest your quality time for your family member, you will not do that, here is the second thing you should do how to create kindness with simple act; you invest your time to care your parents whether they are sick or not, remember; act of kindness is not always related with money, if you can share your fully attention to your beloved people, it is really good act, here is the third thing you should do how to create kindness with simple act; you share your knowledge to other people who are uneducated, it is valuable act, do you know why I say like this because sharing knowledge is as worth thing as money value, I think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an idea how to improve your life, good luck.
100 guaranteed satisfaction
Satisfaction is about appreciation |
100% satisfaction guaranteed is fake |
Remember; satisfaction is about self-appreciation, if you feel pleased about your skill, it indicates that you are appreciated by your commitment, starting from now, please don't believe easily with the product if it states 100% satisfaction guaranteed because it is kind of self-delusion, it would better we know about the weaknesses of product rather than we are motivated by the seller to know more about the benefit of product without knowing its weaknesses, in order to avoid the pain of disappointment and regret, we must recognize about the weakness of product as much as we can, if we can accept the weakness of product, we will never get the pain of regret in the future because we already accept the weakness of product, that's risk tolerance strategy, the reason why we need to learn something about risk because it can avoid regret or the dangerous thing which may happen in the future, life is not designed to offer pleasant feeling to human being, life is about warning human to make self-preparation to welcome risk or consequence which may happen at any time, here is the last note; the most luckiest person on earth is having good preparation before time will turn something into disaster, only arrogance, pleasure, greed and ignorance are the four biggest enemies where it can attack human's mentality at any time, I think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an idea how to improve your life, good luck.
Customer satisfaction
Customer satisfaction |
Hi, good readers, howdy? welcome back with me, Fian, hopefully you always have the abundance of happiness, health and prosperity, today I would like to share about the topic “Customer satisfaction”, the main reason why I choose that topic because many people don't really care about customer satisfaction, some people just focus how to sell their product as they want without asking their customer about recommendation or opinion, if you ask me why many people don't really care about customer satisfaction because they are too proud to sell their product, it is not good way how to build communication skill between customer and supplier in order to maintain sustained business for long period of time, here is the meaning of customer satisfaction; the way of expressing the buyer's trust after they use the particular product in order to let the sellers maintain or improve their selling ability, maybe you ever hear the wise word; a customer is king, it is totally right, if there is no customer who believes with us, our product or service will be worthless, in order to know more about a customer satisfaction, we must build a communication way with the customer through providing a suggestion box or we seek information about the product's selling's average in every purchase, good service is not depending from how much we sell the product or service, but how we turn the negative feedback from the customer to be converted into the innovative's idea, if we just focus how to sell the product or service only, we will not get a regular customer base, in my opinion; we don't need to push our product or service if we want to get customer satisfaction, instead, we just need to focus how to collect the existing demand from the customer, if there is no customer's existing demand, there is no trust, if there is no trust, there is no product selling, here is my suggestion; don't start business if you need money because it is not the way how to satisfy your need, if you want to start business, find something which can become a good value to yourself and customers, then you build your unique ability and sell the problem you solve, customers will give their satisfaction review when they see a solution from your ability, not the product you sell to customers.
Customer satisfaction level |
Customer satisfaction can't be collected if we just focus how to sell the product, customer satisfaction only can be collected if we can get customer's trust, in order to build a customer's trust, it may take several years to recognize it because we will take a deep contemplation from our blind spot through receiving the customer's review, if you ask me "why do we bother to collect customer satisfaction?" it is used to dig more about our potential and also realize our blind spot, if we can't recognize our blind spot, we will never know how to innovate our product or service, only egoist who doesn't care about customer satisfaction, in order to grow our selling potential, we must sell the solution through collecting the customer's complaint, there is no efficient way how to grow our potential unless the customers put their sense of trust to us, the more customers buy or use the product, the more we grow our potential at the same time, our potential will be useful if we get a sense of trust from the customer, now imagine "if God puts his trust to our capacity, He will bring the magnificent thing to our ability", if we are entrusted with great power, it means, we must deliver our value to others, here is the last note; customer satisfaction is like putting a sense of trust, if we can sell our belief to customer, they will purchase whatever product we have because our belief has connected with customer's trust, I think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an idea how to improve your life, good luck.
Focus on the family
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Give your attention to your family |
Hi, good readers, howdy? welcome back with me, Fian, hopefully you always have the abundance of happiness, health and prosperity, today I would like to share about the topic “Focus on the family”, the main reason why I choose that topic because many people lose their family relationship, if you ask me why many people lose their family relationship because many of them just pursue their ego and they prioritize their need by indulging their individual pleasure rather than focus on the family relationship, that's poor habit, remember this advice; we will never get something great if we do something for ego, in spite of how great somebody to do something, if he doesn't care about his family relationship, they will feel alone wherever he goes, here is the first strategy how to you improve your family relationship; invite your family member to hold the feast once in every 3 months, it means, you allocate your money and leisure time by holding the feast in order to keep communication with family member, if there is no communication within the family member, it indicates there is no caring each other, that's dangerous ritual, here is the second strategy how to you improve your family relationship; spend your time to make the quality time, it means, you need to allocate your valuable time to build the social bond in family, even though you are busy to work, don't let your ego holds you back from making the quality time with your family, remember; you will never born on earth if there is no family around you, even though you have the family issue, you must appreciate where you come from and also you must appreciate someone in your family who is taking care when you are sick.
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Care your family as you care to yourself |
Believe in yourself
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Believe to the enlightenment |
Hi, good readers, howdy? welcome back with me, Fian, hopefully you always have the abundance of happiness, health and prosperity, today I would like to share about the topic “Believe in yourself”, the main reason why I choose that topic because many of us don't set strong belief in something we haven't seen it yet, some people prefer to believe what they think rather than believe in what they can't see through eyes, that's common mistake where it lies into animistic believer, I don't object about what people think about life, but I just want to remind you about the side effect of belief; "belief is like putting something liquid into tea pot, we will receive from what we shape and we can't escape from it, the root of problem why people get bleak outlook on life because they can't differentiate between the past's moment and the future's moment and they tend to live in the past rather than future, the first thing we can do if we want to remove bleak outlook on life; we must find the strong evidence where it can improve our false opinion and it can convince us that we face something true, for example: a sense of depression, even though we consider having depression is not good, but instead, a sense of depression can strengthen human's mental acumen and it will give another perception how to give solution to us, our biochemistry of behavior will change from depression into enthusiasm when we develop our focus to do something where it is important for other's emotional fulfillment even though it not important for us, here is my recommendation; please don't believe with something easy to do because it can't leave a good legacy to us, if we pick up easy thing to do, we will not have strong mentality to have a tolerance to pain, all what we believe is coming from what we repeatedly do, what we repeatedly hear, what we repeatedly say and what we repeatedly see, if we cut a belief into tiny layers; belief comes from the accumulated habit, curiosity, agreement and emotional fulfillment (fear or reward).
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Believe to your unique ability, not to focus with others |
Starting from now, before you believe to a new information, you must check whether what you believe can be tested or not with the darkness, if what you believe can give you space time to accept a sense of deepest fear until you don't brave enough to neglect that, it is something true, as long as you don't give negative energy into what you believe, you will not get a side effect from what you fear, here is my point of view about life; "life doesn't give what human want, but life gives what human commit", if we commit to do something important, it indicates that we appreciate about the process, energy and time, people who don't appreciate about what they commit, they tend to believe what other people say rather than what they say to themselves, there is only one way how to remove bleak outlook on life is staying curious about something you don't know and stop giving negative energy to something unpleasant, people who have strong determination, they need something unpleasant to unplug the life suffering where they have tasted beforehand, here is the special note; the darkness will not change into neutral if we always show our hatred to everything we feel, all we can do if we feel hatred is we are moving our belief from hatred state into happiness state by looking the goodness as much as we can, the light represents the passion of learning, whereas, ignorance represents bleak outlook on life, please don't be lazy to learn something you like as long as it can give you a strong emotional fulfillment because life will never stop giving us a lesson, I think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an idea how to improve your life, good luck.
Humanistic approach psychology
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Humanity is about building a good rapport |
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Teach people how to make a better life is part of humanity |