Showing posts with label Childish Enthusiasm. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Childish Enthusiasm. Show all posts

How to change an impotent target becomes possible one

In this page I would like to share about how to know the meaning of impotent target and also help people to recognize what the clear target must go on or when the target must be changed into another field because not everyone can achieve his target to the reality. If we talk about to the reality that most people’s mindset are asking “what is my primary goal, if I fail to achieve it, what risk I will get from it, then they ask again, can I change it to the reality”, regarding those questions, you don’t need to worry about question because it represents the human nature, when that question is developed to become a curiosity, it will create the creativity, for your information the curiosity is part of knowledge and the knowledge is part of life’s channel which can channel between the creativity and the impotent target.

Now the next question is how I can know my creativity will run with my impotent target? First thing you should do is find piece of paper and you write down any obstacles that you are not able to overcome it, second thing is you can ask yourself “what hobby do you like the most and what is your weakness do you dislike the most” .when you succeed to describe them, you can wide your vision by finding some references from books or any other medias, then starting to compel your developed vision to the fixed planning.

Once the fixed planning has been made, you can write down the fixed planning to the monitoring board, practicing it, monitoring your single step till you can make your target becoming possible. I am sure when you do it regularly and make it as your daily ritual, your willpower will grow unstoppable, and you can create the miracle and manage the miracle to embody from your invisible target to the reality.

How do I know there is benefit of failure in career?

In this topic I would like to talk about the failure, maybe you almost get failure when you want to improve your career’s system, every failure will get you smarter when you intend to widen your gaze and also change your opinion about the failure, No success will come if there’s no guru, and guru is not the ultimate failure, but it part of the lesson in life. the purpose of failure to ensure what you do will lead you to the higher level of awareness, so basically there is no useless failure, based on my experience, failure is a tool which is used to strengthen human's mentality, human's creativity, business acumen and human's endurance.

The failure can be changed into the new knowledge when you let your mind to be curiosity, don’t let your mind to be dangled above ground without any certain direction, that is very critical, when you feel upset about the failure, your sound will vibrate and intentionally give a command to your subconscious mind to think the same as you did, be careful by utilizing your utmost voice power, when you misplace your utmost voice to the wrong direction, you will hear an echo, it’s something can discontinue your intuition or instincts.

Don’t worry about making the failure, the more failure you learn, the more benefit will get you smarter to the specific area, in the principal of life; every single failure has different meaning with commit sin, the failure will not invite the darkness power, otherwise commit sin can invite the darkness power in this life.

There’s another thing will make you comprehend about the benefits of failure, first step you should know is the failure will help you to maintain your career even though you dislike about its existence, second step you should know is the failure will help you to upgrade your knowledge and it will bring good influence to somebody else you teach. Every single day you must be a new person by making mistake as many as you can create. Once you can calculate the cost of your failure, one day your cost of failure will cash you back in multiplied benefits.

How to improve your life quality

   Hi, good readers, howdy? welcome back with me, Fian, hopefully you always have the abundance of happiness, health and prosperity, today I would like to share about the topic “How to improve your life quality”, the reason why I choose that topic because many people are living in the stagnant life pattern, every time they want to achieve something, they don't feel satisfied about the result because they consider reality doesn't support what they want, remember; reality doesn't negotiate what people want, but reality will give a resource to embody what they do for their preparation, as adult people, all we can do is plan and execute it into reality, not to argue with reality, sometimes we need to behave like children when our mind is fueled with ambition, as we know together that children’s imagination is more powerful than their logical reason, as adult person, we should give up our best plan to reality and we just need to visualize what we want, we must not use our logical reason to make argument with reality because it is not part of right attitude, let the universe arranges something for our needs, at this point I don’t prohibit people to use logical reason, but we must understand "just because reality doesn't support what we want, it doesn't mean we lose our hope forever", sometimes we need to accept reality as blessing in disguise, so we can comprehend that not all good thing is commensurate with our needs.


   Remember; all we need to have if we want to improve our life quality is a childish enthusiasm, do you know why? Having childish enthusiasm is working based on future orientednot profit oriented, so you will not stop in the result, but you keep growing your awareness, in my opinion; stay curious about something we don’t know is good because we will not limit our energy and time to do something, if there is no deep curiosity, we will never know our blind spotat this moment I would share 3 steps how to improve your life quality, here is the first step you must do how to improve your life quality; you must find the problem that it can increase your skill and your awareness levelhere is the second step you must do how to improve your life quality; you have to ensure your activity you follow can give you high energy, means, your activity can support what your inborn skill needs, remember this advice; if the practice is making you unpleasant, then you are growing your skill, here is the third step you must do how to improve your life quality; you must build an access to let other people know about your skill, if you don't do it, you will never know how competence your skill level, I think my explanation is enough hopefully this article can give you an idea how to improve your life, good luck.  

Activities to increase self esteem


  hi, good reader, howdy? welcome back with me, today I would like to share about the topic "Activities to increase self-esteem", the main reason why I choose that topic because many people are trapped in the activities which can't offer a sense of high self-esteem, in order to outsmart this issue, people must know what they pursue and what they focus in self-control, as long as people don't know what they pursue and don't know what they focus, as impact, people will always get a desperate zone even though they are surrounded by high productive people, "as normal human being, we will never know what our destiny says to us, but our primary job is seeking the information which has connected with what our destiny calls to us", by the way, that statement reminds me with the wise words from Japan, it says "don't seek outside of yourself because everything you need has been embedded by God in you", it's very clear right, we don't need to find what makes us pleasure, what our soul needs is the problem which connected with our privilege, if our privilege can't give us a Lense of understanding to our lives, meaning, we put our name in the wrong direction, what I mean about the wrong direction is like promiscuity, illegal drugs, heroin, cocaine, marijuana, alcohol, free sex, etc. Those activities can't offer high self-esteem to you, instead of giving you a misleading path of life, remember this: our self-esteem will expand when we put ourselves in the discomfort zone, not in the dangerous zone or comfort zone, discomfort zone is the place where it can help us to expand our awareness and explore our creativity, whereas, comfort zone or dangerous zone is the place where it offers instant pleasure, regret and delusional, what we need to build our self-esteem is work on our enthusiasm, find a problem which is connected with our privileges and sincerity to accept what unprofitable thing to us.

   We will never know when our struggle will be valued by God, our duty is making what our privilege works on our lives, if we feel something that means to us while we are doing it, meaning, we are on the right track, that's how to build a high self-esteem, at this moment I would like to share some activities which can increase our self-esteem, here is the first activity which can increase our self-esteem is reading the book, it may become an ordinary message to common people, but my reasoning is not making you to read book you like, but read a book where it can touch the problem you want to solve, if you just read book you are interested only, you can't make something good will happen, remember; having a knowledge is not bringing something you deserve until you apply what you observe into the journey you take, hopefully you can understand what I mean, here is the second activity which can increase our self-esteem is consulting with the mentor or someone whom we know about his competent skill, this part is not easy to do because not everyone we know is going to do something worthy for us, this is big challenge, if we can't make someone we know is going to work with us, at least we can offer something which can interest to someone we know, here is the third activity which can increase our self-esteem is doing the research, it means, we seek the information where it is connected with people's interest and people's habit, if we can know people's habit and people's interest, our services will be needed very much by other people, I think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an insight how to improve your life, good luck.