Define passionate about something

   Hi, good reader, How are you?  Today I want to share an interesting topic, namely "Define passionate about something", The main reason why I choose this topic is because not everyone realizes their passion since childhood, Based on my personal experience, finding passion in work is not easy because you have to overcome obstacles, uncertainty and challenges, if someone likes western style food, then he will be enthusiastic about doing something related to cooking, Passion for something is a strong and deep feeling or emotion towards an activity, interest or goal. Passion is often characterized by:
1. Enthusiasm: A heightened sense of enthusiasm and a strong desire to engage in an activity or interest.
2. Commitment: Dedication and perseverance in pursuing or doing something, even when facing challenges or difficulties.
3. Satisfaction: The sense of pleasure and satisfaction gained from doing or pursuing something.
4. Intrinsic motivation: The internal drive to engage in an activity because the activity itself provides satisfaction and meaning, rather than because of external factors such as rewards or recognition.

Examples of passion could include a person's love for art, science, sports, or their work. People who are passionate about something tend to feel more energized and motivated when they engage in the activity, People who have found passion for something, then they don't need motivation from other people's skills, besides that, we must be alerted with the enemy of passion, 
The main enemies of passion are having various factors that can hinder, diminish, or extinguish one's passion and motivation. Some of the main enemies of passion include:

1. Fear and Doubt: Fear of failure, rejection, or uncertainty can hold a person back from pursuing their passion. Self-doubt can also be a big hindrance.
2. Lack of Support: Without support from family, friends, or coworkers, one may feel isolated and less motivated to pursue their passion.
3. Stress and Burnout: Excessive stress and burnout from work or other life pressures can drain a person's energy and enthusiasm, leaving them feeling exhausted and losing interest in their passion.
4. Time Constraints: Time demands from work, family, or other obligations can make it difficult to find time to pursue their passions.
5. Criticism and Negativity: Unconstructive criticism and negativity from others can be detrimental to one's passion. Feeling unappreciated or looked down upon can extinguish passion.
6. Complacency and Laziness: Excessive complacency or laziness can prevent one from continuing to strive and grow in the field they love.
7. Social Comparison: Excessively comparing oneself to others can diminish self-confidence and make one feel like their passions don't matter enough.

Overcoming these enemies requires self-awareness, stress management strategies, strong social support, and the determination to keep trying despite obstacles.