Unhelpful thinking styles

   Hi, good readers, How are you? Today I want to share an interesting topic, namely "unhelpful thinking styles",  the reason I choose this topic is because many people are not aware when they think about something, if we look at it from the perspective of psychology, someone who is used to thinking haphazardly, They will talk without a clear solution when a problem arises,  someone who is used to thinking that is not useful, they do not use knowledge, instead they use negative emotions to express their feelings,
Unhelpful thinking styles are patterns of thinking that are often unrealistic and can exacerbate negative feelings or problems a person is facing. Here are some common examples of unhelpful thinking styles:
 1. Black-and-White Thinking (All-or-Nothing Thinking): Seeing a situation only in two extreme categories, for example considering something to be a total success or a total failure without seeing the nuances in between.
 2. Overgeneralization: Making broad conclusions based on a single incident or piece of evidence, such as thinking "I always fail" after experiencing one failure.
 3. Mental Filter: Focusing only on the negative aspects of a situation and ignoring the positive aspects.
 4. Disqualifying the Positive: Underestimating or ignoring the positive things that have happened, for example thinking that the achievements that have been achieved are meaningless.
 5. Jumping to Conclusions: Making negative assumptions without strong evidence, such as thinking other people have negative views about us without any real evidence.
 6. Magnification and Minimization: Exaggerating small problems or minimizing the importance of positive things.
 7. Emotional Thinking (Emotional Reasoning): Assuming that negative feelings reflect objective reality, for example thinking "I feel useless, so I am useless."
 8. Should/Should (Should Statements): Using words like "must" or "must" can create unnecessary stress and guilt.
 9. Labeling: Giving yourself or others a negative label based on one incident, such as calling yourself a "loser" because of one mistake.
 10. Personalization: Holding oneself responsible for things that are beyond one's control, for example thinking that the team's failure is entirely one's own fault.

 Identifying and addressing these unhelpful thinking styles is an important part of cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) and can help improve mental health and emotional well-being, I think the explanation about unhelpful thinking style is enough, hopefully this article can help you to improve your life career, good luck.