Signs of mental illness

      Hi, good reader, How are you?  Today I want to share an interesting topic, namely "Signs of mental illness", The reason I choose this topic is because many people don't recognize the signs of mental illness, Based on a review of psychology: mental illness is caused by being unprepared to face reality and pursuing worldly pleasures without knowing how to stop, if this judgment happens to us, then what can we do to overcome it? In this modern era, mental illness is caused by receiving bad treatment from people they trust,
Signs of mental illness can vary widely depending on the type, severity, and individual circumstances. However, here are some common signs of mental illness, namely:
1. Changes in Mood: Extreme mood changes, including excessive sadness, irritability, or elevated mood.
2. Withdrawal: Avoiding social interactions, withdrawing from friends and activities that were once enjoyed.
3. Significant Changes in Eating or Sleeping Patterns: Eating too much or too little, insomnia, or excessive sleeping.
4. Fatigue: Constant tiredness and lack of energy.
5. Difficulty Concentrating: Problems with focusing, memory, and thinking.
6. Feelings of Worthlessness or Guilt: Intense feelings of guilt or worthlessness without any obvious reason.
7. Thoughts of Death or Suicide: Preoccupation with death or suicidal thoughts.
8. Changes in Behavior: Engaging in risky or reckless behaviors, substance abuse, or acting out of character.
9. Detachment from Reality: Experiencing delusions, hallucinations, or severe paranoia.
10. Physical Symptoms: Unexplained physical symptoms such as headaches, stomachaches, or chronic pain.

      If you or someone you know is experiencing these symptoms, it is important to seek help from a mental health professional. Early intervention can make a significant difference in managing mental health conditions. Running away from reality can be a sign of mental health issues, but it depends on the context and severity. This behavior may manifest in different ways, such as:
1. Escapism: Engaging in activities excessively to avoid confronting reality, such as overuse of video games, substance abuse, or excessive sleep.
2. Delusions or Hallucinations: Experiencing false beliefs or perceptions that detach someone from reality, which can occur in conditions like schizophrenia or severe bipolar disorder.
3. Dissociation: Feeling disconnected from oneself or one's surroundings, which can be a symptom of conditions like PTSD, borderline personality disorder, or dissociative disorders.
4. Daydreaming or Fantasy: Spending an inordinate amount of time in fantasy worlds to escape from real-life problems or stress, which might be a coping mechanism for dealing with trauma or anxiety.

While these behaviors can indicate mental health issues, they don't always mean someone has a mental illness. It's important to consider the overall pattern of behavior, the impact on daily functioning, and the presence of other symptoms. Consulting with a mental health professional can help determine the underlying cause and appropriate interventions, Hopefully this article can provide inspiration and insight, good luck.