Anger disorders in children

      Hi, good readers, how are you?  Today I want to share an interesting topic, namely "Anger disorders in children", The main reason why I chose this topic is because not all parents understand why children get angry suddenly, besides that, many parents don't really care when their children are angry, young children often get angry for several main reasons, including:
 1. Frustration: Children often feel frustrated when they cannot do something they want or when they feel not understood.
 2. Tired or Hungry: Physical conditions such as fatigue or hunger can make children more irritable.
 3. Change in Routine: Young children tend to feel secure in routine. Sudden changes in their routine can trigger anger.
 4. Language Limitations: Young children may not yet have enough language skills to express their feelings or needs clearly, so they display anger as a form of communication.
 5. Seeking Attention: Sometimes children get angry to get attention from the adults around them.
 6. Learning to Control Emotions: Children are in the process of learning how to manage and express their emotions. Anger can be part of this process.

 Dealing with young children's anger requires understanding, patience, and a consistent approach to help them develop the necessary emotional and social skills, Dealing with suddenly angry children requires an approach full of patience and empathy.  Here are some steps you can take:
 1. Keep Calm: Try to stay calm and not overreact.  Children often reflect the emotions of the adults around them.
 2. Validate Child's Feelings: Acknowledge the child's feelings with words like, "You seem very angry. What is making you angry?"  This helps children feel understood and appreciated.
 3. Don't Correct Immediately: Avoid immediately correcting or reprimanding children when they are angry. Give them space to express their feelings first.
 4. Give Time to Calm: Sometimes, children need time to calm down.  Leave them alone for a few minutes if necessary, but make sure they stay safe.
 5. Teach Breathing Techniques: Teach children deep breathing techniques to help calm themselves.  For example, inhale deeply through the nose and exhale slowly through the mouth.
 6. Divert Attention: Try diverting your child's attention to another activity they enjoy to help them forget their anger.
 7. Talk After Calming: Once the child has calmed down, talk to them about what made them angry and how to deal with these feelings in the future.
 8. Set Clear Boundaries: Make sure your child understands the boundaries and consequences of unacceptable behavior.  Consistency is very important in this case.
 9. Set a Positive Example: Demonstrate good ways of handling anger through examples of your own behavior.  Children learn a lot from observing their parents.
 10. Recognize Anger Triggers: Try to understand what often triggers your child's anger and look for ways to avoid or manage these triggers.

 With a loving and consistent approach, children will learn better ways to manage their emotions and reduce the frequency and intensity of anger, hopefully this article can give you an insight and inspiration, good luck.