No good data, No good experience

reading book is part of making good experience

Today in this article I would like to talk about data and memory, data will determine the direction where people are going, and data will tell people what kind of decision people are going to deal with it, what will we do to make good experience? The first thing we must deal with book, book represents about the purpose, and it represents your unique sense of your skill, the successful people know about the book’s title they are going to read, the book will describe about someone’s future, the more book people will read, the more opportunity will lead them to the new ways.

to collect good experience, we need to make tough decision ahead

“There is no meaningful chance when there’s nobody will arrange his time to make little accomplishment through learning liability”, reading book is like to try conquering someone’s fear, no fear will spread to human’s mindset when there’s knowledge within human’s mindset because there’s only knowledge has ability to blockade the fear and diminish a doubt.

intention and awareness = energy

Bad experience will not create good data but the bad experience will help human being to prevent the same mistaken which is going to happen tomorrow, when someone is embracing the bad experience, it doesn’t mean he deliberately chooses that treatment, he just learns how to synchronize the unconscious mind data and make it to be the precious experience in his life, the unsystematic habit indicates someone needs to make the contingency plan to rearrange his spiritual energy to create new emotion and make good data in his brain memory.

The only way we can do to collect some good data is by embracing new problem which we may dislike to learn it, in order to learn about the meaning of life, sometimes we can’t choose which good way or bad way of something when it deliberately approaches to us, we only need to appreciate the process and stop making accusation to something which may goes in the wrong way, running in the wrong direction sometimes is better than standing still, we should not resist the fact and accept it as the consequently to live in peace.