In this topic I would like to
talk about the chatter which is coming to my head, my opinion is this is
symptom of lack of controlling the emotional state from human’s resource, this problem
usually comes from the feeling of regret
because someone fail in achieving the
goal or someone is losing a hope, the symptom of chatter in someone’s head
is always happening in every single time.
As human being, there’s no need
to worry about the chatter where it is coming into someone’s head, the chatter
neither curse nor menace, if it’s happening to your life, you just need to
train your sensible and change your focus point, when you feel there is unknown
voice in your head, you change it becomes an echo, the chatter is calculated
from the result of large number of articulated sound, and that is part of
resourcefulness, the problem is not coming from the sound but the main problem is
coming from the human’s lack of resource to control the resourcefulness in his
If you don’t want the chatter
appears in your head, its same way you blame the mistake to God, you should
realize earlier because without the intuition’s existence, human being can’t
make any creativity or talent for his dignity, besides that the articulated
sound itself is part of guidance, no matter how many resources in your
surroundings area but if you don’t know how to utilize the resourcefulness, indeed
you are part of machine which is made by human being.
The only thing you can do to
utilize the chatter in your head is accustoming yourself with positive mind and
keep calm in any circumstance,
this is not the first time for you to learn about the positive mind but you
need to restart your mistaken and consider it as the cost of learning, you may
need additional information from my life experience, you may choose which
chatter will accompany your life; the more loud of voice in your mind, the
less voice in your soul, or the more voice in your soul but the less
voice in your mind.