Can a bad boy get a success in the future?

In this topic I would like to reveal about a bad boy’s behavior first, maybe you know that bad boy’s activity is always doing careless, making any trouble to some people, as If he were not having a plan to change himself to the future, although a bad boy behaves little bit excessive but he is struggling to find self-image to be accepted by his soul. This intention is not easy to be applied in routine daily activity; there’s must be self-fighting between his physical body with his ambition.

There is something different we can learn about the bad boy’s idealism, the first thing is bad boy has the tremendous bravery character rather than the ordinary people who live in the neighborhood, the second thing is a bad boy prioritizes to change his appearance with a lot of accessories in order to get more attention from people who live around, the third thing is a bad boy has strong social relationship and he likes to associate with anyone who wants to accept his existence, the fourth thing is a bad boy is having bold character when he meets with difficulties in circumstance, the fifth thing is a bad boy is not afraid to take risk because he keeps learning from it.

We should realize earlier that a bad boy has taught us many ways how to be different guy although some of their habits are neglected by society.  The bad boy can get success when he keeps continuing to educate himself with joining the life’s social community and learning from the community how to activate his soul searching, once he succeeds to unlock his potential energy, little by little I am sure that bad boy will be life mastery and also he can be a visionary leader for his community. In statistic summary mentions 75 % failed bad boy can’t be successful person because he intends to damage his body by drinking alcohol, drugs, on the hand he is trapped in jail because of doing destruction upon somebody else. So please be wise when you want to choose your life path.