Hi smart
people, howdy? I hope you always have a good day, today I would like to share
how to recognize our deep feeling, as we know human are having variety of the
emotional character, some people can teach themselves how to be eloquent speaker, some people can't express when they have low self-esteem, some people can't express their potential habit because they are educated by their family's member how to manage their expectation since they were young, if they know how to utilize their feeling, I am sure they can create the new future by their own design, now let me share something how to express your feeling
to the right direction and how to increase your self-esteem, here is the major cause why people can't express their feeling because they always train their mind to get a pleasure and choose the easiest way to be their own principle, people believe this philosophy "do the easiest thing can create a simple life", in my opinion that kind of bad philosophy because it has influenced people to make an uninspired life story, at this time we need to design our character with the mental picture, so it can lead us how to make an attractive personality.
Don’t let your feeling is
blocked by your own ignorance, you must express your own potential by
dedicating something you are interested with, then you share what you know to others, don’t just do the same thing and
you repeat what you know in order to get more money or you attract people with your uninspired story, it’s fixed mindset, when you set your mindset such thing, you will receive a fixed payment
and you will never obsess an attractive character in the future, remember this note; good character can be built when we duplicate the nature's character and we apply it in our daily habit, then let habit will shape our personality at least 90 days, when you have a deep feeling, you must challenge yourself to express what your inborn ability wants into reality world, and don't let it going down deeper and unreachable, if you don't dig it, you will get desperate or doom's lifestyle, you must cultivate your inborn ability with knowledge because it can man you unfit to be slave, you keep practicing your feeling until it can become into creativity, don't let your feeling is drained with meaningless purpose and expressionless, you must build a skill where it can sustain your deep feeling for a long period of time, you can use your own masterpiece to make bright future, when you put your deep feeling into your own masterpiece, your feeling will attract the infinite power, finally your masterpiece will make you a self-indulgent person
When you have a deep feeling, it doesn't mean you will share your desire to everybody around you, it's totally wrong direction, as human being, we must know what is the purpose in life, if we express our feeling by doing something what we like and reject a new lesson from the unknown circumstance, we will become a loser, here is my daily note; don’t put any unclear feeling into someone or something where they can’t be trusted, when we trust something that we don't examine it earlier, we will a prisoner of life, not a master of life, we must find a new source where it is impossible to betray us, such as God's wisdom, our family, our devoted partner in life, nature's philosophy, remember this note; the more you put your feeling into trusted source, your life will free you from the darkness.