Today I would like to share how to differentiate the purpose of suggestion and offering, the reason why I choose that topic because offering a service is the part of tools where they can be used to promote our commitment in the future, without having tools, we can't receive a feedback, in fact every feedback from other people will give a new idea how to improve our skill and mentality, please note; we
can’t make better life when we don’t offer something benefit to other people and we
can't learn new thing if we don't learn something from people's suggestion, furthermore our quality of life is determined by our decision, our philosophy and our mindset, whether we like it
or not with circumstance, all bad experience is teaching us to avoid the same
problem, so we need some suggestion from the experienced people if we want
to upgrade our skill, the reason why is suggest like that because everybody has
blind spot, we can't detect something our weaknesses if we can't learn from our blind spot, everything in this life needs source of information and we can't offer something if we don't have enough resources within our skill, here is the clue; the more you
produce good information, the more opportunity you will receive from people's blind spot.
Sometimes we need suggestion from the
experienced people in order to make us think clearly before we make judgment, suggestion is always needed when we can't get good answer from the experienced people, please remember; don't ever ask suggestion from the inexperienced people because wrong suggestion will teach you how to get inexperienced, every suggestion can create positive vibes when
you know how to handle it, suggestion can end with meaningless purpose when we
ignore people’s suggestion; suggestion
can create new motivation for us and suggestion also can create disaster for us when we just
accept without considering it several times, good suggestion can be
collected from other people’s wisdom and bad suggestion can be collected from
the frustrated people, please remember; don’t ask any suggestion
from people who have no meaningful purpose in this life because you will be
next victim of life.
you will get suggestion from other people, you make sure people you pick will
have good experience and they have mastered how to solve big pressing problem, please remember; our qualified life is
defined by other people’s good experience, our improved philosophy and several
book we have read, here is my
advice to you, before you will receive
good experience from qualified person, you need to give something good to other
people first, “the more you give something benefit to other people, the more
you receive something greater than you have imagined”. it’s law,
if you want your life is going to be better; you need to create a new habit, during
creating new habit, you need to offer your gift to other people rather than you
suggest something, the reason why I say like that because your gift will create new happiness for other people, hopefully this article will help you how to create good life.