Today I would
like to talk about mistake, most adult people consider making a lot of mistake
will turn down mentality, in fact we will not know how far our mentality goes to the point of guidance, sometimes we are pushed to see
the mistake in order to see an object differently from particular position and particular emotions, so basically we will not get enlightened when we
deliberately refuse to accept mistake, please remember this note; new mistake can drive people to the light area when they are persistent and keep going, otherwise new mistake can drive people to the darkness area when they give up entirely.
Basically the
truthfulness can’t be rejected, it can’t be turned down, it can’t be disbanded,
the truthfulness just can be forgotten by ourselves, but
one day when we no longer need the truthfulness, at that time we start to
regret, please take a note; our regretful will gnaw our future little by little until we
can’t see any difference between the past time and the present time, mistake is supposed to be learned, not to
be neglected because one day we will create same mistake, we all know that
everybody has restricted time, so we can’t return back to the starting point,
you can't stop in the middle of journey, we only have two option; we can handle
any risk from mistake and get appreciation from it, otherwise when we can’t handle mistake, and we will become mediocre.
Every mistake always oppose the humans
dignity, so basically every
is alive, like other living creature on earth, it will get bigger when we don’t
learn something and it will get smaller when we keep learning something
although we don’t know the reason why mistake is always approaching us,
my point of view about mistake’s existence is mistake is re-learning and never be the same because time always changes, no matter
how smart you are now, you will not get away from mistake, when you decide to
refuse the mistake, you will not get back to the shore because you will be drifted to the sea and you will get confused and depressed.
The purpose of mistake is preventing big
problem to come and big problem will be coming when we don’t re-learn something
that we should learn earlier, please remember, we will never get ready
to see new mistake until we are pushed to see unconditional mistake, mistake is
part of education, every mistake lies into inspiration and motivation.