Hi smart people, howdy? I hope you
always have a good day, today I would like to share about the topic "How to survive a difficult marriage", the reason why I choose that topic because not many people can survive in a difficult marriage, if you ask me what causes couples get trapped in a difficult marriage because they don't know their love language into each other, besides that, they don't respect their own weaknesses, the wise word says "if you want to prolong your marriage, being foolish together", meaning, every couple must do self-reflection and empty their egoism, now
let me share to you about several strategies how to survive a difficult marriage, here is the first strategy how to survive from difficult marriage; don't focus how to find fault, this is important strategy, if you keep focusing how to find your couple's fault, you will get something worse beyond than your positive expectation, this strategy is not easy, all you need to do is find a solution where it can unite every couple's good memory.
In order to prolong your marriage journey, you need to ensure you can acknowledge your incapability and start supporting your couple's blind spot, here is the second strategy how to survive from difficult marriage; don't find what makes your couple feels blamed, find a treasure memory with your couple in the past and try to make new story or rewrite history, this is not simple because you and your couple need to make a time before deciding to rewrite history, here is the third strategy how to survive from difficult marriage; don't debate for what you struggle with your couple, this strategy is simple, if you avoid debating, your relationship tends to avoid any dispute because you try to end the war before it is begun, here is the fourth strategy how to survive from difficult marriage; make open relationship with your spouse, meaning, you express what you feel and be honest about what you feel and make two ways of direction in communication, meaning, you let your spouse talks to you and you scrutinize it, do it alternately, if you consider your feeling needs to be discovered, so just get going, if you postpone or hide your feeling from your spouse, as impact, you will get trapped in difficult situation, I think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an insight and also can improve your career, good luck.