Today I would
like to talk about the how to finish the impossible mission, when you hear
about this topic at this time, I am sure you may seem unmotivated, tired,
anxious about it, the reason why you feel the unproductive feeling because you
deliberately to raise it to your habit and you feel comfortable with your fixed
mindset, so the problem is not coming from the object, but our decision is not
intended to evolve, actually the impossible mission can be completed as
long as we make long term plan period and do what you can’t do in the short
time period in every single day, that is part of making big revolution to
accomplish the impossible mission.
can’t behave such as the blinded person’s habit, means they can actually see the
object but they don’t learn something from what they see around,
the impossible mission is not part of menace, the impossible is created in
order to know how to measure the significant value within our life experience,
please remember this note; the impossible mission is going to keep us
stay away from the unproductive activity and keep us away from the desperation
of life. How to finish the impossible
mission is depending on what we intend to do and where we want to go, so
basically normal life always
gives us with the normal proposition where there is no opportunity alive.
Enlightening the opportunity equals with building
the trust, when someone can’t build a trust for everybody, he never returns to the
new hope and he will return to the darkness automatically, building a hope can’t
rely on the human's contribution, but building a hope only can be achieved by
being the greatest contributor where you can serve your best creation to other
people whom they never meet with the contributor.
We will never
finish the impossible mission when there is no recognition within our subconscious
mind, if someone wants to make better life, better future and the better
vision, they must build a new shelter and build a new home for as many as
people , so all our creation will be
perish when we just focus to enrich our interest only, so we must make the
strongest connection between your creation with other human being who live in
the world, the impossible mission can be done by taking the long term plan, self-commitment,
always have the insatiable curiosity to solve big pressing problem and live responsibly with courage.