Hi smart people, good day, isn’t it? Today I would like to share the topic "don't grieve", means we shouldn't make any expectation to get something that we don't deserve it, if we keep doing it, we will get disappointed about the end result, so create self-preparation is better than anything else, at this moment i will clarify about the main reason why I choose that topic, the first reason; many of us are starting to misunderstand about the end result because most of us think our expectation will come around with the hoping result, remember this note; we are not going to accept the same result from what we have done, but life will give the result to person who deserves it, the word “deserve” means, we are not going to receive the good thing unless we already transfer the good thing to others first.
So at this point i want you to learn this philosophy, "when you lose something, don't grieve about it because there's worse thing will come to you if you keep it tightly" means not all the worst thing that we need to know, sometimes losing something is the sign that we will get a better reward in the next time, if we store the worse thing tightly, it will curse our lives, as impact, we feel weariness and we are unmotivated by doing activity, all human effort are investment, it will be returned with astonishing result as long as we don't grieve about something lost.
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Don't grieve, keep doing something which can enrich your knowledge |
Don't worry, all result you have done isn't perished as long you do for the right thing, it will be returned with astonishing result, don’t ever think that your intelligence and your habit can create everything become good because human's limitation can't reach the divine's limitless, our main job on earth is making our skill are worthy to be used for resolving an issue, and let it shine on, we don’t need to know where our skill will be shining on, let the universe will give you a respond with its version, now I understand why many people get stressed easily; because they expect a bigger reward and it will be returned to the human's desire version, in fact all human's desire will be converted with the divine's plan.
In my personal advice, don’t
think your outcome is the best, if you think you have done everything is the
best, your conscious mind will start to grieve and you will stop learning because you think you arrive at your final journey, so I will never this condition will happen if I were you, you would
better to think that your outcome is part of your practice, when you keep
thinking this philosophy, you will receive the bigger challenge and your life
path is so magnificent because unwittingly you can defeat your laziness, your doubt and your ignorance, so keep practicing is
the major key how to be unique guy, if other people say your outcome is the best, don’t
accept it as honor, but you can say “I am still practicing and learning”,
remember this note; the more you learn something, the more you see something
that most people can’t see what you see, such as opportunity and idea, let your subconscious mind will receive new learning process from new knowledge and also learn from your good habit, don’t set your curiosity to think about what universe does, we are not qualified to learn it because it's part of divine's authority.
We will never know what will happen with this universe, we are the main cause why the universe existed, so keep lighting your inner spirit and let your mind becoming as the sun body which can shine to other creatures, if you apply this mindset to your life, you won’t grieve anymore because you understand an act of grieve will give you more sadness, in my personal opinion, don’t miss the day without act of giving because all receiving process come from act of giving, every act of giving will be returned to you with multiple reward, greater reward, promotion and magnificent recognition, furthermore; if you don't want to grieve, you must do something that can teach you how to increase your emotional intelligence because act of grieve is the sign that you can't lose something that you don't deserve it again, remember this note; when you feel fear, anxious, grieve and doubt, it comes from your uninspiring goal, so please don’t set the goal too low because it causes you will feel unmotivated.