Hi smart people, howdy? I hope you
always have good day, today I would like to share about the topic "Overcoming loneliness in marriage", the main reason why I choose that topic because many couples feel
alone although they are tied in marriage, if you ask me why many couples can't overcome their loneliness in marriage because they expect too much about the advantage of couple's ability, remember this advice; we must realize the purpose of marriage is to complete couple's inability, not to demand more than couple's ability, at this moment, I would like to share some several tips how to overcome loneliness in marriage, hopefully after you read this article, you can
do self-introspection, here is the first
tip how to overcome loneliness in marriage: fix the way of communication, meaning, you need to offer what your spouse wants to hear something, sometimes you
need to forget your egoism and start to offer your ability to your spouse, here is the second tip how to overcome loneliness in marriage: add the quality time with spouse, for example; you only have a free time 5 hours per week, so you can offer the favorite place where your spouse wishes to go there.
Here is the third tip how to overcome loneliness in marriage: be curious
about what’s your spouse’s major interest, make sure you know well about
what is your spouse’s major interest, if you know more about your spouse’s interest rather than your own spouse, you will be valued as romantic person because you invest your time to find your spouse’s interest, starting today: don't just focus how to prioritize your self-indulgence, but rather you service your spouse's emotional need, here is the fourth tip how to overcome loneliness in marriage: self-care, meaning, you don't too concentrate how to make your spouse is happy, you need to have me-time to reflect on what you did in the past, you can engage your activity as long as it can increase your good feeling, self-care will benefit to you and you will always receive from self-care, remember; self-care is not the same with egoism, self-care is protecting yourself from your own expectation or your bad mindset, egoism is doing something more to yourself and eliminate your sense of caring to what your spouse feels, my last advice is learn, understand and save your emotional feeling, then you save your spouse's emotional need, if you aren't happy about yourself, how can you offer your ability to your spouse, the lack of service can inflict the loneliness in marriage, hopefully this article can give you an insight, good luck.