Hi guys, howdy? I hope you
always have good day, today I would like to share about the topic "How to not care what people think", that's main reason why I choose that topic is because many people are trapped in other people's thinking, it is like someone is imprisoned in other people's thinking, if you ask me why some people care what people think because they don't focus on their own qualifications, if people only focus on themselves, they don't care what people think, it is the law, here is the first step how to not care what people think; accept who you are, meaning, you accept who you are without rejecting your weaknesses, self-acceptance an make you less concerned about other people's opinion, here is the second step how to not care what people think; define your own success, do you know that everyone has different own definition of success, if you care about your own success, you can reject other people's opinion, if you think your success can be pursued by you, you will love to do it even though other people may disregard it, here is the third step how to not care what people think; surround yourself with positive people, if you spend your time with people who encourage and support you, they will help you to boost your confidence and make you less worried about toxic people's influence.
Here is the fourth step how to not care what people think; understand that everyone has different perception, meaning, you have to appreciate different perception from others even though you don't need them, if you can accept the different things, you will not feel stressed, here is the fifth step how to not care what people think; practice self-care, meaning, you only focus how to develop your own capacity, here is good news; if you can practice self-care, you will get new insight every time you do something good for yourself, remember; practice self-care is not the same with egoistic, practice self-care is like developing your inborn skill again and again, here is the sixth step how to not care what people think; seek professional help, meaning, you need to call psychologist if you can't focus how to master your mind, remember this note; overthinking is not good habit, instead of making people get depressed, I think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an insight to improve your career, good luck.