Hi smart people, howdy? hopefully you always have the abundance of
happiness, health and prosperity, today I would like to share about topic “How to take control of my life”,
the main reason why I choose that topic because many people lose their focus when there is something can't support their realistic plan, if you ask me what we are going to do if reality doesn't support our realistic plan, our duty as human being is we adapt with current circumstance and we keep doing something which is in line with our enthusiasm, remember; reality doesn't mind us as long as we do something unscathed, at this moment let me share something to you how to take control of
your life, here is the first tip how
to take control of your life; Identify where you want to go,
means, you need to take care of what your life's purpose going, don’t
let your life will be demanded by other people, but you must care about where
you want to do within 5 - 10 years later, remember this note; life needs balance, you need to keep cycling if you don't want to fall down, once you stop cycling, you will be stranded in the unspecified area where you don't belong, in my opinion, so you need to demand yourself to do something bigger than your current target, you must limit your focus to the specific area if you want to develop your potential, don't override your focus to many areas, if it's happening, it will cause you a distress and you will be stuck in the circle of disappointment.
Don’t let your life is stuck between
dilemma and reality, you need to
ensure your biggest asset in life works for you, such as knowledge, reputation, time, health, enthusiasm, commitment, effort, etc. if
you can’t identify your destination, at least you need to get out from
the old habit which it doesn't make you to be productive person, here is the second tip how to take control of your life; identity your grand why, that's big challenge, do you know why I say such thing because you
need to develop your habit until you can make your habit is supporting what you need to survive, here is
the third tip how to take control of your life; don’t try to compromise when you are good at, means, if you believe that you have talent, you must charge your talent with the valuable information where it can strengthen your feeling, here is the last note; when there is combination between your strong feeling (intuition), guts, love, and idea, so you can control your future without being disturbed by other circumstance, I think that's enough, hopefully
this article can give you an idea how to improve your daily life, good luck.