How to study fast effectively

          Hi smart people, howdy? I hope you always have good day, today I would like to share about "how to study fast effectively", the main reason why I choose that topic because not many people realize about the benefit of study fast, at this moment let me share something to you about how to study fast effectively, here is the first strategy how to study fast effectively; set a schedule, when you have this habit, you can enjoy the process because you are not feel forced to do that, you have to ensure the scheduled time is fixed, for example: 60.00 AM- 08.00 AM, during that time period, you study one subject you like, then tomorrow you will do the same again as you did before, the reason why setting schedule is important because it can help you to build a consistent habit, if you have developed a consistent habit, as impact, you will not feel lazy because you create a cellular memory in your body muscle, here is the second strategy how to study fast effectively; break it down, meaning, you dissect your study schedule into smaller plan, for example: every 5 minutes after 25 minutes of focused study, in Japan, this studying method is called the Pomodoro technique, you have to ensure every 25 minutes, you take a break around 5 minutes, the reason why you need to apply this strategy because it can help you to reduce a sense of burnout.

          Here is the third strategy how to study fast effectively; organize your study space, means, you have to ensure that there is no distractions which can distract your study, if you can focus and comfort, meaning, you have organized your study space, remember: reorganize your study space can give you a new atmosphere in your surroundings, here is the fourth strategy how to study fast effectively;  use active learning strategies, means, you try to collect some specified information you need and you try to summarize what you learn so far, this strategy can help you to monitor your progress, after you apply this strategy, you can teach someone next to you, the reason why you need to teach other people because to ensure how you understand with the material you have learned, here is the fifth strategy how to study fast effectively; keep your mental health is healthy before studying, this strategy is very important, the understanding of lesson you take depends on your mental health, if your mental health is healthy, you can study as best you can, hopefully this strategy can help you how to improve your life career, good luck.