How to improve interview skills

Hi smart people, howdy? I hope you always have good day, today I would like to share about "How to improve interview skills", the main reason why I choose this topic because many people feel depressed when they failed during interview, at this moment let me share to you how to improve interview skills, here is the first strategy how to improve interview skills; be authentic, means you need to impress yourself with your own character, if you can't be authentic person, how can you become an authentic person at the company? every company needs authentic employee to maintain the confidential data and also how to give a best performance at the company, if there is no authentic characteristic, there is self-promotion, remember; authenticity is the key for an interview, if they don't believe you, they don't hire you, here is the second strategy how to improve interview skills; research, means, you need to know the company's background you are interviewing with, you need to know about the company's value, e.g. mission, quality product, reputation, recent news, these information will help you to adapt with the company's policy, it is not difficult if you want to know about the company's value as long as you intend to work there.

 Before you intend to work, you can ask yourself "How I can be of service to this company?" besides that, you need to find the company which appreciates your effort, time, and dedication, here is the third strategy how to improve interview skills; body language, you need to keep your eye contact to the interviewers when they start to offer some questions, also you need to give your firm handshake, upright posture, and give your smile, for the most important part is you give your big impression to the interviewers at the first meeting, meaning, you show your qualification through the interview process, it is big challenge, if you can do that, you will receive good point, here is the fourth strategy how to improve interview skills; listen carefully, meaning, you need to listen what they demand, if there is something you don't understand, you can make it noted to your small note or you have something to ask to them by raising your hands to the interviewers, here is the fifth strategy how to improve interview skills; keep your good attitude, meaning, you need to ensure your attitude will make the interviewers thank to you, I think my explanation is enough, hopefully you can get something meaningful after you read this article.