Hi smart people, howdy? hopefully you
always have the abundance of happiness, health and prosperity, today I would
like to share about topic “Trust building exercises for couples”, the main reason why I choose that topic because not every couple cares how to build trust each other, if you ask me why not everyone cares how to build trust each other because they consider giving a respect to couple is too complex, so they just do something which is related with their own likeness, at this moment I would like to share some strategies how to build trust for couples, here is the first tip how to build trust for couples; start making a dream together, the reason why couples need to apply this strategy because every dream can bind each other's feeling, here is the second tip how to build trust for couples; commit to give each other a reward every 1 year, if
you build this kind of habit, you will get reminded by commitment and special day, remember; build a new memory by gaining new experience is better than listening a thousand of promises, if you get money but you can't gain new experience, meaning, your habit has been controlled by money, here is the good news; if you can use money for making new experience, meaning, you no longer focus how to get money, instead, you delegate your money to serve your future and your couple.
Here is the third tip how to build trust for couples; try to make a joke each other, even though this strategy is looked simple, if you can apply it, your effort will be remembered, based on psychology; people who can make a joke and make other people laugh/smile at the first 4 minutes, that's good character development, here is the
fourth tip how to build trust for couples; don't kid your couple, meaning, you just show the way you are, if you violate this strategy, as impact, your couple will not trust you although you say the truth, here is the fifth tip how to build trust for couples; be open minded when it comes to problem, if you and your couple stick together when the problem comes, you indirectly build a trust, if there is no open-mindedness, as impact, there is only accusation, I think my explanation is enough, hopefully
this article can give you an idea how to improve your life, good luck.