Summary of the obstacle is the way

Obstacle is part of puzzle of solid path

         Hi smart people, howdy? hopefully you always have the abundance of happiness, health and prosperity, today I would like to share about topic “Summary of the obstacle is the way”, the main reason why I choose that topic because many people hate about the obstacle, if we use different point of view, the obstacle is not something which can block human's hope, instead, the obstacle is new way of how to understand new reality, so basically there is no failure, no adversity, no betrayal, no rejection can kill human's hope, those are the part of how to expand human's awareness level, every obstacle is designed by God to ascertain the human’s strength, dignity, talent, authority, faith, knowledge and character to be used to the proper direction, if there is no obstacle, people will follow their wishful thinking, the main problem why people consider every obstacle is morally unacceptable because they just follow their skeptical mind and they accept what they know so far as faith, if we want to be successful person, everything in life should considered as gift, the obstacles included, remember this; obstacle will not give a bad influence to people as long as they have a clear vision, good faith, good habit and great passion to do something vastly. 

 Every obstacle will unlock the human’s potential as long as human consider obstacle is like the stepping stone, obstacle will teach human how to strengthen mentality and help human how to endure the mental pain or suffering for long period of time, There is no unworthy thing in this life as long as you use optimize your power to create the possibility, if you think everything in this life is the obstacle, as impact, the miracle will not stand next to you, remember this note; everything around you is the miracle, but it depends on how you visualize and how you perceive something, when you get bad when you meet problem, means, you block the miracle to come, basically every obstacle is kind of self-help, not the part of self-humiliated, do you know why I say like that because the greatest momentum comes from what human can't finish, as long as you consider yourself that you can finish everything around you, you can't attract the miracle, starting from now, don't train yourself how to hate the obstacle, instead of train yourself how to love the obstacle, remember the last note ; the miracle lies in the obstacle, not lies in the human's desire, I think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an idea how to improve your life, good luck.