Hi smart people, howdy? hopefully you
always have the abundance of happiness, health and prosperity, today I would
like to share about topic “How to make yourself feel better”, the main reason
why I choose that topic because many people are trapped in the same place again and again until they are frustrated, if you ask me why many people can't make them feel better because they still can't find what's important for their own life journey, as long as people don't consider their life journey as important and as long as they don't find meaningful journey, they definitely find a fake happiness by pursuing the instant pleasure, in order to make yourself feel better, you need to stay curious about your own potential, the first strategy how to find your potential ; doing something you never tried before until you gain the moment of failure or you get something that can renew your mindset, the reason why I recommend you to gain the moment of failure because every failure will give you a new life where you will never be the same person like yesterday, remember; the real gift is self-awareness, not the expensive stuff, if your knowledge has the same content like you had lived in 5 years ago, as impact, your future will be the same like 5 years ago, if you are making habit like that, then, you will never be able to make yourself feel better and your life gets stuck because you don't upgrade your knowledge within 5 years period, here is for your note; knowledge is the fuel to generate our potential, if we don't embrace the knowledge, we will never get a new chance to renew our happiness level.
Maybe you ever heard "happiness can be bought by money", if you consider that statement is right, then why many people can't get enough sleep well if they think their happiness level can be bought by money?, that means, the money can't guarantee their happiness level to last longer, let me remind you that money is the tool, you can't exchange your happiness by the tool, the purpose can give you a new value to your character and also new comprehension, here is the simple formula how to make yourself feel better is bringing your expertise to each person where you can meet, either offline or online, if you can teach yourself how to be a good lender and give it to the other people, your emotional content will be richer as if you had received a multiplying return in exact time, that's practice how to make yourself feel better and how not to absorb the greedy characteristic, it sounds simple, but it is not, being a good lender is very hard because the logic says "what you give is gone and it never come back", here is the bad news; when you lack of giving what you love to others, as impact, you will absorb the greedy characteristics automatically, beware of that condition, here is the second strategy how to make yourself feel better; don't expect anything after you give something to this world, if you still expect a gift after you give something to this world, your emotion will be tied by anxiety or fear, eventually you can't access your ideal of life, please let go of what you own because it can blockade your worthiness and your happiness to grow bigger, here is the third strategy how to make yourself feel better; be grateful what you remain possessed and detach yourself from your wild expectation which pushes you to pursue something you aren't supposed to pursue it, I think my explanation is
enough, hopefully this article can give you an idea how to improve your life,
good luck.