Hi smart people, howdy? hopefully you
always have the abundance of happiness, health and prosperity, today I would
like to share about topic “5 ways to attract money”, the main reason why
I choose that topic because many people want the money but not everyone knows how to attract money with sensible way, if we don't know how to attract money, as impact, money will make us stressed and depressed because our attention and habit are tied into money's habit, at this moment let me share
something to you about several steps how to attract more money with sensible
way, hopefully you are interested with this method and you can apply it in your daily life, here is the first step to attract more money with sensible way; having
credibility, means, you have ability to make other people believe about what you do for them, this character is one of invaluable resources, if you don't possess this character, you are not allowed to expect more respect, reputation, promotion and recognition, remember
this; without having enough credibility within our character, our product or our service
are no longer needed by other people, no matter how good product or good service
we have, credibility defines our personal branding in the market place, we
shouldn’t underestimate this characteristic because credibility will define
which direction we are going in the future, if
our future is bleak, there is no sign of bright future, means, our resource is no longer needed by other people, here is the phrase you need to
remember; “there is no trust, there is no sale”.
Here is the second step to attract more
money with sensible way; building an emotional attachment, means, we must spread our power of love to anybody
by giving a help to many people, if other people can see our
worth, means the market place will buy something from our service through their emotional attachment, but if the market
place can’t see our worth, means they will not buy something from our service through their emotional attachment, remember this; people buy for not logical reason, but through their emotional attachment, besides that, the human's value are
born to be tied in every single human on earth, means, we are social creature and each of us need a help from other people's experience, we must use our emotional intelligence and provide a better world to other people if we want to get more money, the fastest vibration how to get more money is by doing a charity, the more we share something good to
others, the universe will fill in void from what we give to others, life is working
mysteriously, so we don’t need to know
how the life system works, we are just being asked by the universe to do what possible
to be done by us, my opinion; giving is the beginning process to attract
more wealth and prosperity, here is the
third step to attract more money with sensible way; solve people’s problem, means, the beginning process of making good impact is having good reputation by solving a problem, once we enlighten other people's lives through our troubleshooting skill, we will receive good reputation from them, the more people know our good reputation, the more they will give us recognition, here is the additional note; the more we set recognition as our personal branding, the more we get a chance to get more money in our career.
Remember this note; money is interested to human who have made a good influence because money
is blind and deaf, money needs the guider and money will find its way if there
is transaction between the human's value and emotional attachment, here is the fourth step to attract more
money with sensible way; know where the market's need is abiding, means, money will come to people who know how money
works and know how to multiple it, money will lend its power to human once money can feel sense of good capabilities and good mentality from human's resources, Here is the fifth step to attract more money with sensible way; increasing
your productivity, means, money will not come if there is no
productivity because every productivity will create a momentum to pull the money's vibration, make sure you practice your special skill until money can recognize your vibration energy, here is the rule; if there is no
productivity, there is no progress, if there is no progress, there is no
learning, if there is no learning, there is no mistake, conclusion; money
doesn’t lend its power to the desperate people who don’t want to
increase their productivity, money loves to the good learner because good learner will fulfill what money really wants in reality, such as develop a good service, develop a communication skill, provide solution, ingenuity, etc. I think my explanation is enough, hopefully
this article can give you an idea how to improve your life, good luck.