5 regrets of dying


         Hi smart people, howdy? hopefully you always have the abundance of happiness, health and prosperity, today I would like to share about topic “5 regrets of dying”, the main reason why I choose that topic because most people have the same problem in this life, namely, regret, if you ask me why most people get the pain of regret until they pass away because they underestimate what they can do and they overestimate what they can’t do in daily life, basically, the core of undetected problem in this life is started by maintaining the procrastination habit, if people are making habit by avoiding the undetected problem, as a result, they will lose many valuable things in their lives, such as, creativity, enthusiasm, inspiration, at this moment let me share something about 5 regret of dying, here is the first regret of dying that people own; they spend too much time to gain pleasure, means, people aren't interested to learn how to invest their time for self-study in anywhere place, remember this advice; the more we gain pleasure, the less we gain power, here are the example of pleasure; staying up late every day to play online games, holding the party with friends every week, spend more money to watch cinema every week, watching TV in hours, drinking alcohol, etc. those bad habits will create the regret of dying for people who aren't interested with power, here are the example of power; good reputation, credibility, creativity, enthusiasm, endurance, patience, ingenuity, etc. 

          Here is the second regret of dying that people own; not showing a deep feeling to seek the truth in life, if you ask me why people aren't showing a deep feeling to seek the truth in life because they love too much with the content of world, remember; the world is full of tragic and unrequited love, we shouldn't put our deepest feeling to pursue the satisfaction which is offered by the world because the world is the not suitable place to satisfy our deepest feeling, here is the third regret of dying that people own; dare not leaving their bad habit, if people let their bad habit dominate their logical sense, as impact, their brain will shut itself from seeing the opportunityhere is the third regret of dying that people own;  dare not to take tolerated risk, means, people will consider every risk is their enemy, I don't mean to belittle you by not taking the risk, what I mean is you should measure the risk with your own capacity, your knowledge, your capitals, remember; having the ability to take tolerated risk will increase your self-awareness, here is the fourth regret of dying that people own; dare not to forgive other people's mistake, if people have a revenge and dare not to forgive other people's mistake, as impact, they will never get inner peace, here is the fifth regret of dying that people own; don't recognize their creator in entire of lifeI think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an idea how to improve your life, good luck.