10 skills every man should know

         Hi smart people, howdy? hopefully you always have the abundance of happiness, health and prosperity, today I would like to share about topic “10 skills every man should know”, the main reason why I choose that topic because not every man can detect these skills in their history of life, if you ask me why these skills are very important to be recognized by the men because every man is destined as the leader in this life, here is the first skill every man should know is having self-compassion, the main reason why having self-compassion is important for our lives because it can help us to discover what we don't know in our deepest potential, if men don't practice their self-compassion in daily basis, as impact, men will do something with heartless decision, besides that, men will do something dangerous if they don't build self-compassion, here is the second skill every man should know is having problem detector, the main reason why men must have problem detector because this natural skill has not been granted by God to women's characteristic, do you know why I say thing because problem detector is related with men's characteristic and men's logic is more dominant than women's, if men have no problem detector, meaning, they behave like the loser, here is the third skill every man should know is negotiation skill, the main reason why I say like that because not every man has mastered negotiation skill, if men have no negotiation skill, they will never have a golden opportunity when they need to do the business with other people's resource, here is the fourth skill every man should know is having good parenting skill, the reason why I say like that because not every man commits to behave like a good parent for their children, the main cause why men have no parenting skill because men are willing to work very hard until they have no quality time with their children, here is the fifth skill every man should know is being a good listener, this skill is important because not every man is willing to be good listener when their spouses start to tell about a problem.

           Here is the sixth skill every man should know is being the mirror for women's character, meaning, this skill is very important because not every man has owned this skill, some men try to oppose women's reaction when women try to express their deepest feeling, women will be happy when men can lower their normal ego and start to give advice when women ask it in previous time, here is the seventh skill every man should know is being good friend for their children, the reason why I say like that because most men are busy at their work until they don't have sufficient time for their children, that's why children don't want to appreciate what their parents give because the children have no longer owned the right to lend their parent's ears, besides that, some parents behave bossy and this kind of attitude will mistreat children's future, here is the eighth skill every man should know is being a peacemaker, having this skill is important because many men like to start arguing or fighting when they feel discomfort in any situation, here is the ninth skill every man should know is having visionary skill, this skill is important because it is used to create the good opportunity for other people who have no decent life or poor living, having the visionary skill is not easy because we must challenge ourselves to take the risk when other people don't want to do like we do, here is the tenth skill every man should know is being environmentalist, this is important role because not many people are willing to protect the environmental, instead, some people destroy it, like the illegal logging, as men, we must preserve the planet earth with good protection in order to avoid the global warming or the disaster which may come at any time, I think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an idea how to improve your life, good luck.