Word of courage

         Hi smart people, howdy? hopefully you always have the abundance of happiness, health and prosperity, today I would like to share about “Word of courage”, the main reason why I choose that topic because many people believe that words have possessed the power to change what we believe or change what we focus, some people consider courage is part of self-determined action, but to gain the huge power from the word of mouth is not easy to do and it is not simple to express, do you know why I say such thing because the quality of word of mouth is depending on the person character's quality, if we say something without having high quality from our life experience, as impact, we will use unqualified words when we try to speak at the first time, basically we must beware with our word of mouth because other people try to remember what we say to them, if we say something which it has nothing to do with their pleasure standard, probably they will label to us with something we don't really like to listen, remember this; word of courage is not like the motivational words, word of courage is part of self-possessed, meaning, someone who can prove that he is able to remain calm and feel confident even though he is in a difficult situation, if you have built self-possession power within yourself, meaning, you succeed to advise yourself even though you don't really need it or you hate to hear it.

        Have you ever asked a question like this "why do I need to show my courage to face the truth?" because there is no single person can guarantee your future, except yourself, if you want to save your future, you must have a mission which gives a big impact to mankind, in order to apply that mission to reality, we need to borrow God's power to manifest what we intend, remember this note; to attract the power of courage, we must learn how to adapt with something we really hate to do or we adapt with something we don't really need to do, as long as we only think comfortable thing is more important than uncomfortable thing, our word of mouth can't make us courage, instead our word of mouth will immobilize our mentality, courage will not develop by itself without we apply the power of caring to anybody else, we must have a mission to solve as much as problem before the time of danger is coming, the meaning of "the time of danger" is we already entered into the crisis, remember; courage will not work to us when we already enter into crisis, the good moment to start courage is making our situation as if we were in crisis mode, maybe it seems crazy or abnormal, no, it is totally true, if we start applying the courage to change the situation at whim, instead, we will get swept by the crisis, the crisis will destroy everything without any left,  I think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an idea how to improve your life, good luck.