Toxic positivity

         Hi smart people, howdy? hopefully you always have the abundance of happiness, health and prosperity, today I would like to share about “Toxic positivity”, the main reason why I choose that topic because not everyone thinks that positivity can bring toxic if everyone doesn't know about the risk, we all know positive attitude is good, but if we meet with "something too good to be true in current situation", our positive attitude can't work well since positive attitude can't be matched with high expectation, if you ask me why we can't apply positivism in every situation because life is not designed to confront between positive attitude and positive thing, if we just apply between positive attitude and high expectation, as impact, it will create toxic positivity, I don't recommend you to promote your positive attitude when you meet with something too good to be true, remember; we can't always succeed to promote optimism in every situation since life itself is mysterious, we must beware that life can't be demanded to follow what we want, life can be a hostile to us when we just give bad reaction and bad attitude to other people's lives and life can be a partner to us when we just bring good reaction and good attitude to other people's lives, what I mean is we mustn't show our high expectation and enthusiasm altogether in every situation, when the positive thing meets with positive reaction only, as impact, we will create toxic positivity to us, so it is very dangerous, do you know why I say such thing because not all we think is good is always good, we will feel disappointed in deep feeling when we realize that our high expectation can't be matched with positive situation, it is the same thing with negative thing, if we show our desperate feeling and pessimism altogether in every situation, as impact, we will get poor mindset and regret feeling.

Toxic positivity is like we compel bad people to change their characteristic to be good people, expectation is not always good if it is related with other people's lives, expectation will hurt us if we try to expect other people do the same like we always did before, life should be neutralized if we want to get peace, if we just show high expectation only, it definitely hurts us, if we just show pessimism, it definitely kills our future, the purpose of happiness is not getting more pleasure in instant process, but the purpose of happiness is neutralizing the positive and negative reaction until it is united to become a peace, remember; we don't need to impress other people with our positive thinking just because other people want us to have positive influence, we must neutralize our positive thinking and negative feeling if we want to create peace, let me give you real sample about electricity, we all know that electricity will connect when positive pole and negative pole meets together, if there is no positive and negative energy, there is no power in electricity, we can conclude that positive energy represents a hope and negative energy represents a risk, we must train ourselves to see a risk before we create a hope, that's challenge.

        Starting from now, we must practice how to deal with our reaction first before we show our expectation to real situation, as human being, we aren't entitled to control the situation, remember this note; if God allows toxic situations will happen to human, means, toxic situation will strengthen human’s endurance, we don’t need to measure how far we have to put us into toxic situations, if human deserve to get toxic situation, meaning, God knows human have strong endurance to neutralize toxic situation, only our ignorance will kill our own selves, we will not get toxic feeling if we can succeed to combine between positive feeling and negative thinking or we combine between negative feeling and positive thinking, I think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an idea how to improve your life, good luck.