Love is an act of courage

The purpose of love is preventing the disaster to come and create a high value

         Hi smart people, howdy? hopefully you always have the abundance of happiness, health and prosperity, today I would like to share about “Love is an act of courage”, the main reason why I choose that topic because not everyone can prove that love is part of courage, some young people consider love is like wanderlust, it is not totally right, love is the part of ultimate power where it is used to nurture something to be good, besides that, love is part of human's emotional intelligence, so it can help human to survive on earth and help human how to explore their potential, if there is no love, there is no courage to act, if we really love someone or something important, we must prove that our action must be harmony with our feeling, if we don't love someone or something important, we don't need to act even though other people say there is something good for us, remember; our feeling can't be represented by other people's decision, if we think our sense of love is important, so we must pursue that power, if we lack of love, we will feel paralyzed every time we want to start, motivation is not part of love, motivation is the part of reason to pursue something important, if we lack of making a good reason, we don't have motivation to do, whereas, love is like enthusiasm or admiration, if there is something can attract our enthusiasm, maybe we feel love with it, if we want to love someone or something, we must create a strong reason.

the purpose of courage is willing to endure pain in every single day 

       Some people believe love must be pursued and must be owned, No, it is wrong, love doesn't need to be pursued nor to be owned, in fact, the more we pursue love, the more we lose it, love is like the wind and water, it will flow by itself when we already build the space to accommodate it, love will run away when we lack of adequate space to accommodate the power of love, we need to build the space within our soul, such as do good deed, care to powerless people, give the charity, solve people's problem, do the research for curing people from the disease, here is the first strategy how to create a sense of love; we mustn't compare between money and love, do you know why I say such thing because money is the result of our action's consequence, whereas, love is the crystallization from the grand feeling we create to share something useful, if we start to work with sense of love, we will feel comfortable with work pressure and we will not dare to resign because we build a sense of love, but if we focus on the money alone, we will resign from the job soon because we don't have a grand feeling to work, here is the second strategy how to create a sense of love; we must intend to do something to God's behalf before we start something, if we have Almighty God as the reason to start the activity, we will receive the biggest power to start and our action will feel like every single day we get supervised by Almighty God because we intend to do something for Him, if we grow our sense of love, we will not feel suffered every time we get setback, failure or unpleasant experience, I think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an idea how to improve your life, good luck.