Living by faith meaning

         Hi smart people, howdy? hopefully you always have the abundance of happiness, health and prosperity, today I would like to share about “Living by faith meaning”, the main reason why I choose that topic because not everyone is capable how to activate their faith when they're still alive on earth, living by faith meaning is we set our lives based on what we believe and what we do in every single day even though we haven't seen the result yet, as we know that life will define about who we are and what we are capable, life will not give a good feedback until we offer something good to life itself, remember this; life is always neutral, life will do something better when we share our resource, knowledge, creativity, troubleshooting skill altogether, those are goodness we can create in this life as long as we are alive, life will never offer something good to us until we start servicing something good for mankind, we can't make a deal with the future without promoting our lives with faith,  life is hard when we love to compromise to stop learning new thing, remember this; your circumstance is an effect, whereas, your decision is the main causeif you want to make your life is meaningful, you must know your decision that can utilize the core of your value, if your core value can’t develop your own potential, means, your potential can't create a good contribution for mankind.  

         If you are not serious to dig the information about what’s you are capable of, your life will be meaningless and uninspiring, remember this note; opportunity will not be repeated at twice like the first one, when you don't cultivate something good with your power of faith, as result, your life will not grow like what you expect, now imagine that you have a seed, you will not know about the purpose of that seed unless you cultivate it in the ground, you water it until the seed produces the root and the fruits, if you don't care about that seed's growth, it will produce nothing, it’s the same goes like your life, you will not know what is your life purpose until you show your dedication for servicing what mankind really need, if you don't cultivate your life purpose with dedication, courage, and commitment, your life will discourage youso you must not think about yourself because your life has as the same value as others, besides that, please don’t just do something for self-indulgent if you want to know the function of your existence on earth, your life will not develop if you are too obsessed about your own satisfaction or pleasure, the future lies in what you believe and what you behave, if there is no faith, there is no action, if there is no action, there is no bright futureI think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an idea how to improve your life, good luck.