Life is too short to be unhappy

         Hi smart people, howdy? hopefully you always have the abundance of happiness, health and prosperity, today I would like to share about topic Life is too short to be unhappy, the main reason why I choose that topic not many people realize how to differentiate between instant pleasure and peace, if people only focus with something which attracts their instant pleasure, meaning, they can't be happy person because happiness is not designed to make yourself is happy in this world, but your happiness needs worth contribution, excellence and high purpose, I agree with the statement life is too short to be unhappy, if people just repeat what they enjoy with something the same, not improving, not different and not inspiring, meaning, people create the same track where it allows them to stay in the place where it can make their capacity is stagnant, happiness can't be attracted with our desire, but happiness can be attracted with something you can't attempt, something you can't control, something you can't create, maybe you think my explanation is not suitable with your mindset, but let me tell you something before you judge my explanation, here is question, "who can create happiness and peace?" and "who can destroy happiness and peace?" the answer is Almighty God, He is Allah, He is the happiness owner.

     Our duty as human being is walking through to the happiness's path, here is the first sign that you can get happiness and peace; you initially increase your awareness every day through learning something new, if you consider money is more important than your knowledge, meaning, your habit will be controlled by money and you can't escape from the money's circulated habit, if your knowledge is less than the money's circulated habit, as impact, your life will be controlled by money and you can't be happy person, remember; your happiness level is depending on your awareness level, if you just know the risk, you also need to accept the lesson from that risk, if the risk can help you to increase your knowledge, meaning, your mental is stronger than the risk level, here is the second sign that you can get happiness and peace; you follow your intuition, your enthusiasm and your purpose, those are Allah's gift, if you meet with them, maximize their potential by practicing what you go through, besides that, you need to commit with the consequences as well, here is the third sign that you can get happiness and peace; you learn a lot from Holy Qur'an, when you learn from its content, you may find something where you can't get from successful human's mindset, Holy Qur'an not just teaches you how to improve your life, but also teaches you how to know your God's favor, Allah iss not God for Moslem only, but all human being whom they are alive or pass away, I think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an idea how to improve your life, good luck.