How to make my life better and happier

         Hi smart people, howdy? hopefully you always have the abundance of happiness, health and prosperity, today I would like to share about “How to make my life better and happier”, the main reason why I choose that topic because not all people can make their life better and happier in reality, the majority of people still can't differentiate between instant pleasure and peace, if you ask me how to make your life better and happier is building a habit which can attract peace, meaning, your life only gets better and happier when you do something good and it can please Almighty God, it is impossible you can make your life is happier without getting involved Almighty God's favor, if you tell me that you become happy person because you succeed to please yourself, I will doubt about it, do you know why I say such thing because we can't own our happiness, you and I aren't entitled to define happiness by doing something which attracts Almighty God's wrath, the reason why people's life gets stuck in the same journey again and again because they just do what makes Almighty God is wrathful, if you understand what I am talking about, starting from now, you must ask yourself "what type of problem that bound to happen to other people?" , the second question you can ask yourself "what kind of skill that can solve other people's problem?", the third question you can ask yourself "how many people that get big the impact of the problem?", the fourth question you can ask yourself "how many people that get big impact of problem per day?, those critical questions will help you how to determine your wealth and happiness.

        Most people think pleasure is the only way how to make their life better, the fact it is not true, pleasure just means define your fear and expand your fear, my conclusion “pleasure only begotten when you do little effort”, here I give you another strategy how to build happiness, "the more you do what God pleased, the happiness definitely approaches you, the more you do what God hated, you will lose everything valuable such as self-respect, confidence and reputation"basically person who isn’t happy is type of person who can't stand the life pressure, whereas a happy person is the type of person who can stand against the life pressure, the greatest obstacles in human's living is making higher expectation than one's capacity and stop appreciating every progress in life, as long as what you do can increase your self-awareness, you indirectly build the new bigger capacity to your future, your life gets better when your capacity can accommodate the problem that bounds to happen in human's life.

       The busiest person in the world is type of person who is working for money and makes it as the main purpose to live, the amount of money that people receive is part of the bribe to make sure people will lose the real happiness, here is my suggestion; don’t just demand money to follow you because money needs the glorious purpose and the value from you, the more you value your time, the more money will work for you, you just need to focus how to solve your own obstacles, create good service for other people's problem and let the universe works for you, it's simple, happiness is path, not destination, you can get it from what is your most driven in life, if your enthusiasm is tied with dream, you will be driven by the universe to find what you need and then you need to work for it, please don’t seek for happiness, but let happiness finds you, your job in this life is looking for inspiration, there are many strategies how to get inspiration, such as reading book, attending the course, learning new language, observing the nature reserve, studying about the universe’s law, learning from failure, and so many other things, remember this note; not all sense of complacent can offer an interesting challenge and not all satisfaction can create longevity happiness, you must beware about the difference between satisfaction and longevity happiness, happiness can be developed through problem solving act and self-esteem, whereas, satisfaction can be developed through short term pleasure plan, if you can’t progress your life purpose, your happiness isn’t ready to serve you well, I think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an idea how to improve your life, good luck.