How to deal with unmet expectations

       Hi smart people, howdy? hopefully you always have the abundance of happiness, health and prosperity, today I would like to share about “How to deal with unmet expectations”, the main reason why I choose that topic because many people aren't ready when they have to accept their unmet expectation is rejected by reality, let me clarify "expectation can't represent your life experience nor represent your expertise, expectation is part of wishful thinking", you don't need to focus on your unmet expectation, all you need to do is how to make your expectation really needs you, it may seem difficult to do but expectation is not always right to do, our duty as human being is not fulfill our unmet expectation, but how to counter the side effect of expectation, remember this; if you just focus about your unmet expectation, you will lose sense of gratitude about what you have, life doesn't provide what you expect, but life will provide what you really need to survive, in order to start a new life, you must learn how to defend yourself from the life pressure because life in itself is the barrier which ensures you are powerful than the life pressure, when you can endure the life pressure, life will increase your current standard, remember this note; there is difference between happiness and expectation, happiness is peace, you can get peace when you focus on what you can control, whereas, expectation is an external factor which it doesn’t take your responsibility, but it will be your responsibility when you give your responseif your preparation is ready to get hurt by life pressure, life will find you and it rewards you based on what you sacrifice.

        If we look at people’s lifestyle recently, they prefer to impress other people with their pride and they expect to get something better before they prepare something worst to face the crisis, here is the risk if we just pursue our unmet expectation; we can't appreciate what we already have and we tend to underestimate what God graces to us, before we want to get something we never did, we must know what we are capable of, if we don’t know our strength, we can’t manifest what we want into realitydon’t just follow the trend of people's habit, you must find your game and focus how to develop itthe key how to learn to live peacefully on earth is facing your own problem and considering your problem as your stepping stone to solve other people's problem, remember; life has rule and you must create your own rule, don't let life overtakes your plan, you must dare to fail in order to know how far your potential works on you and monitor how your potential assists you to remove all barriers which embeds in your mind, if you want to defend yourself from temptation, distraction and obstacle in this life, you must know how you value your time and how you appreciate the privilege you receive from God, use it maximally as if it is your ultimate power to change your life, here is the last note; don’t let expectation sees you as life's prisoner, you must salvage your future by doing something where most people ignore to do, if you work on your privilege, the universe will open up the new world to you, I think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an idea how to improve your life, good luck.