Hi smart people, howdy? hopefully you always have the abundance of
happiness, health and prosperity, today I would like to share about “Time is more important than money”, the reason why I choose that topic because not
everyone knows how to treat their time very well, the main cause why people behave like that because they consider money is everything, let me clarify you that money is the tool, it can't work properly when there is no time and effort, money can give the power of evil when you use money for pleasure, whereas, money can give the power of goodness when you use money for spreading your good service to others, remember this note; if you just pursue the money and consider it as your ultimate resource, your personality will follow the money’s characteristic and you will work like automatic teller machine, you can't behave like money because its circulation is out of control, if we want to control money, we will lose our self-confidence, in this article I will share
something to you about some things which are considered to be more valuable than money, here is the first thing more important than
money; time, it’s part of irreplaceable thing in this world because time will never go backward when it's already running forward and time can't be bought by our money, means, time just gives us reflection whether our behavior, our action and our attitude is considered to be good or bad, if we think money is more important than our time, as impact, time will devalue everything we have.
Here is the second thing more important than money; mental endurance, the main reason I consider mental endurance is more important than money because it can give us the good chance when we are trapped in the tough times or crisis, if our mental endurance is stronger than our expectation, we will become a game changer because we can make our expectation becomes illusion, remember; we can't increase the mental endurance when we consider money is more important than our time, here is the third thing more important than
money; knowledge, the reason why knowledge is more important than money because knowledge is needed to solve problem, when people have enough knowledge to solve problem, they will get payment,
here is the fourth thing more important
than money; problem, if we don’t love to pursue the problem, our payment is not much higher than we usually get paid, the higher level of problem we solve, the more fortune we can collect, please don’t hate with the problem because it’s part of God’s grace, if we put our sense of love to pursue problem, the unlimited wealth comes to us automatically, here is fifth thing
more important than money; having good personality, this is important because it will define our wealth, here I quoted from the holy Koran, "if you do the good deed, it is for yourself, if you do the bad thing, it is for yourself, the good deed will look for someone who does good deed and the evil thing will look for someone who does the evildoer".
Here is the sixth thing more important than
money; ingenuity, when we practice our ingenuity every single day, the
universe will lend us the power of creation and we will be able to create
the masterpiece by our own version, here
is the seventh thing more important than money; faith, if we don’t have strong faith, our mind can’t construct fabulous idea and we can't manifest what we visualize because we don’t believe about what we do, to increase our faith, we must practice it by looking for inspiration, here is the eighth thing more important
than money; The good partnership, the reason why good partnership is more important than money because it will help us to promote our service, here is the ninth thing more important than money;
courage, if we have enough courage, we won’t fear about risk or failure anymore because we enjoy with the learning process, remember this; our courage will be devaluing by itself when we lack of self-discipline, lack of daily practice, lack of self-taught, lack of knowledge, lack of failure and lack of reason, here is the last note; time is more important than money because it represents who we are and what we pursue, if there is no time, our wealthy is futile, if we value our time, we value the money as well, I think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you
an idea how to improve your life, good luck.