Serious procrastination problem

         Hi smart people, howdy? welcome back to my blog, hopefully you always have been given with the abundance of happiness, health and prosperity, today I would like to share about Serious procrastination problem, the main reason why I choose that topic because most people think procrastination is part of de-stressing, but in fact, they don't realize procrastination is part of the mental block which can hold people back from growing their potential, if you ask me why many people behave procrastination because their target is not having the urgent case or the deadline, in my opinion; that's mental problem, do you know why I say such thing because people only want to set the target which can make them comfort, if people want to succeed at something great, they must consider every target is having the deadline, the more often people push them harder to commit with the target, the more they can finish the target quicker than the deadline's target,  remember this note; people will not do something better if they haven't put themselves into the crisis, besides that, people can't survive in this life if they only set the target which is making them comfort, at this time, let me give you the information about the risk if people are having the procrastination habit, here is the first risk will happen if people behave procrastination ; they will feel more paralyzed than their first state because they don't optimize their clear purpose, if this circumstance isn't stopped yet, as impact, people will never be able to catch new opportunity because they aren't serious with the deadline's target. 

     Here is the second risk will happen if people behave procrastination ; people will lose the momentum to gain a sense of urgency, meaning, people will lose the opportunity to get new power when they will not do something in urgent case, on the other word, we can say, people will lose energy which can make them paralyzed to do something, the main reason why most people like to procrastinate something because they like to compare between what they think and what they feel, if they can't feel any benefit from what they do, they aren't willing to do something, that's the major problem which cause most people's lives can't change to get better, in my opinion; people need to pay the price if they want to get extraordinary life, the price they need to pay is dedication, discipline, commitment, consistence, responsibility and endurance, so there is no shortcut how to change better life quickly, remember this note; good fortune can't be lured by sweet promise, short term process, procrastination's habit and comfort zone, but good fortune can be lured with self demanding to do something more than they are paid, here is my conclusion; people who usually want to procrastinate doing something because they underestimate about their own belief,  here is the key how to stop procrastination forever is imagine that you can't pay the bill because you already being broke, if you can implant that mindset to you, I am sure you will not dare to behave procrastination because you have to fulfill a sense of urgent needs, I think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an idea how to improve your life, good luck.