How get things done faster

         Hi smart people, howdy? welcome back to my blogs, hopefully you always have the abundance of happiness, health and prosperity, today I would like to share about topic “how get things done faster”, the main reason why I choose that topic because many people are trapped with the busy schedule at workplace until they don't know what they  prioritize, if you ask me the main cause why people slowly execute their priority because they let themselves getting trapped in unnecessary distraction, besides that, they don't build resilient mental in daily basis, as long as people don't build resilient mental, their focus can't avoid the unnecessary distraction which may happen into them, if it is happening to them, their focus will be scattered into pieces, at this moment let me share several tips which may help your performance at workplace; here is the first tip how to get things done faster; detach yourself from your expectation no matter how beautiful of it, the main reason why I recommend you with like that because expectation will give you something which can hold you back from growing self, besides that, you will feel perplexed when you realize that you don't get anything you expect in reality, remember; the great reward will not be comparable with your expectation level, so you need to try how to detach yourself from your expectation, if you can detach yourself from your expectation, your job will get done little bit faster, here is the second tip how to get things done faster; focus on what you can control and don't let yourself getting caught with the fear of getting nothing, means, you don't let yourself getting controlled by the outer circumstance, remember this note; when you can control your own circumstance, as impact other circumstance will resolve by itself, if you have the mindset such thing, I am sure your job will get done faster because you can control yourself.

     Here is the third tip how to get things done faster; prepare something you need before you begin your work, this habit is very useful because it will help you how to take an initiative action whenever there is the urgent case came up, if you have this kind of habit, you have many possibilities to succeed at the workplace because you prepare what you need, sometimes good preparation will lead to success even though we aren't sure about it, here is the fourth tip how to get things done faster; you dissect your main goal into small pieces, this strategy will help you how to maintain the pressure which disturb you, if you can adapt with small piece of your goal, you will not get big pressure, instead, you love the process, if you can apply this strategy, you will not only get the result, but also you can get something faster in your performance, here is the fifth tip how to get things done faster; give yourself the fear about the worst-case scenario plan which may happen, this habit is very powerful because it will help you a vision how to increase your self-resilience when you are faced with something you don't want to get it in reality, this practice will take some time, remember; failure will never be able to kill you, only your expectation can kill your future, as long as you can do something with what you got, you always get something better than your expectation, the benefit of having worst case scenario is your focus will increase its power because you don't want your fearfulness will manifest quickly into reality, here is the last note; what makes you slowly do at something is you too focus on your expectation and you think what you do can't create the turning point to your career, I think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an idea how to improve your life, good luck.