Critical thinking learning

         Hi smart people, howdy? hopefully you always have the abundance of happiness, health and prosperity, today I would like to share about “Critical thinking learning”, the main reason why I choose that topic because not everyone is willing to apply critical thinking learning in any circumstance, if you ask me why not everyone is willing to apply critical thinking learning because they don't know what's the benefit from applying that thinking method, what they look for is how to get more pleasure and pleasure, it is not how to apply the way of life, remember this; not every pleasure can lead people to bright future, the reason why pleasure can't lead people to bright future because pleasure doesn't have the power to make it happen, if we talk about the vibration science, pleasure stays in the low rate in human's life standard, if it stays in low rate, meaning, pleasure can't lead human how to get what they deserve, instead, pleasure will lead human to the depression state because pleasure will offer sense of addiction, here is the bad news; when a sense of addition comes into human's faith, people will start to fear when they lose something instant because their sense of addiction is going to be empty, whereas, critical thinking learning will not give sense of addiction to human's thinking because critical thinking takes a huge energy to start with, before a sense of addiction is active, we need to make it to be inactive for moment, this kind of phenomenon is like group of people will end the war before the war is begun. 

        In this life we need to make a choice whether we want to feed our mind with easy decision to take addictive action or hard decision to take massive action which takes a lot of effort and critical thinking, at this time I would like to share some strategies how to develop critical thinking, here is the first strategy we need to do how to develop critical thinking; we need to know about the deep of problem level which happens to what we learn, if what we learn only gives us sensational feeling, or addiction feeling, we must get rid of it, do you know why I say such thing because critical thinking will not work when there is sensational feeling or sudden surprised, what we learn must be connected with the problem which can leave deep suffering, remember; critical thinking method will work to us when there is something which can cause the suffering effect into our soulhere is the second strategy we need to do how to develop critical thinking; we must find the troublesome thing which can burden our mind, this phase is very challenging, when we don't avoid this kind of challenge, our mentality will grow up exponentially because we welcome the troublesome thing into our lives, I think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an idea how to improve your life, good luck.