Why am i slowly losing interest in everything

         Hi smart people, howdy? hopefully you always have the abundance of happiness, health and prosperity, today I would like to share about topic “Why am I slowly losing interest in everything”, the main reason why I choose that topic because recently many people slowly losing interest, if you ask me why people can lose their interest because they tend to look for something enjoyable and they can't adapt with unpleasantness, this phenomenon often happens in reality when people can't stand with uncertainty and also they aren't ready with something enlightened, remember; life doesn't ask us to succeed at something we are interested with, life only asks us to prepare the mental factory which isn't developed yet, the meaning of the mental factory is we must unlock our infinite power which resides in our soul and we need to spend out some efforts to detect our interest from the outer world, as we know that there is two kind of the world; the inner world and outer world, the inner world covers imagination, commitment, characteristic, faith, mentality, curiosity, intention, habit, attitude, whereas, the outer world covers knowledge, experience, mistake, failure, rejection, pleasure, now let me tell you the basic reason what makes people lose their interest is they don't know what's the function of the interest, had people known the function of the interest, they can multiple their inborn skill in reality, what people need to trigger their interest in the problem which lies in this world.

        Enthusiasm is one of the big factor how to empower the human’s potential, the more often people use their enthusiasm, the more people will get something beyond their expectation, now the question; how long can you defend your enthusiasm? The reason why I give you question such thing because not all people can defend their enthusiasm, some people sell their enthusiasm for short term desire and short term purpose, the main cause why people lose their enthusiasm easily because people are too obsessed about the benefit where it can be obvious seen, besides that,  they can't stand with the learning process, in fact, enthusiasm is one of the most important human resource which can support people to empower their interest in reality, remember; human's interest will not be active if there is no deep curiosity, so we need to trigger our curiosity with the painful experience, such as failure, mistake and brokenhearted, failure will never touch success if there is no enthusiasm, don’t let your enthusiasm is gone, in order to find your enthusiasm, you just need to find your gift from finding as much as information you can collect, you must keep searching your gift and work to what you love, here is the key; when you put your love to the job / career you have picked, your enthusiasm will help you to pass the failure and create your own masterpiece which can promote your excellent ability, here is the additional note; you must feed your enthusiasm with the problem which is making you interested, if you want your life is full of blessings, don't let the comfort zone is holding you back from growing self, I think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an idea how to improve your life, good luck.