What should you do to improve your skills in communication

         Hi smart people, howdy? hopefully you always have the abundance of happiness, health and prosperity, today I would like to share about the topic “What should you do to improve your skills in communication”, the main reason why I choose that topic because many people confuse how to improve their communication skill, if you ask me why improving communication skill is not easy because there are many variations of speaking skill and depends on the problem people want to know, if there is no curiosity, there is no intense communication, basically, every human needs the valuable information from the trusted informant, but the problem is not every human gets the valuable information from the trusted informant, if we want to improve our communication skill, we must know the type of problem we want to know and the type of solution we want to hear, as long as we aren't interested to know about solution and problem, as impact, we will never improve our communication skill, the most important communication skill is we can communicate with our deepest soul and detect what our intuition wants, whether we like it or not, we must buy information when we know nothing, if we don't buy the information from other people's resources, as impact, we will get inadequate resources and we loses our ways, remember this note; the first thing we must build in our habit if we want to improve our communication skill is having the mission model, after that, we try to offer that mission model to someone who is interested with it.

    As human, before we want to make communication, we can offer the topic which may intrigues others who are around us, for example : if you are surrounded by powerful person who knows about the solution, what kind of problem do you want to ask to that person?, that's the basic training how to improve our skill, at this moment I would like to share some strategies how to improve our communication skill, here is the first strategy how to improve our communication skill; we shouldn't ask the question when other people don't allow us to ask the question, the reason why we must apply this strategy because not all people are ready to answer the question, besides that, we must respect other people's privacy when they don't want to answer the question, maybe we can note what other people say something to you, if we can consider what they say is important, we can note it down into our journal, remember; if we listen more often than we talk, we can get new insight, if we talk more often than we listen, we will become the yesterday's person, here is the second strategy how to improve our communication skill; we don't talk about the topic when others don't want to hear it, meaning, we must identify about the topic people want to hear it, if we offer something they don't need, as impact, we will lose our reputation because we just talk whatever we want to,  I think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an idea how to improve your life, good luck.