Qualities of a good leader

         Hi smart people, howdy? hopefully you always have the abundance of happiness, health and prosperity, today I would like to share about the topic “Qualities of a good leader”, the reason why I choose that topic because this personality traits may help you to shape your bright career, especially if you are leader, supervisor, manager, director, CEO, in this article I will share several tips, now here is the first quality of a great leader; learn to be strong, not impolite, means, a great leader needs to strengthen his vision and vast perception, that's requirement, the main reason why every great leader must have this kind of strength because the power of vision will create the clarity and every clarity will create the fabulous idea where it is needed by the great leader to drive many people to the right direction, if you possess strong vision, you will be able to motivate other people’ to make better future, here is the second quality of a great leader; learn to be kind but not weak, means, as a great leader, you have to show your empathy to what people feel about their own life journey, sometimes not everyone is happy with what they develop because they think their life design isn't working based on their expectation, if you are leader, you must show your great kindness to others as if they were your family, if you keep sharing your goodness to others, you will earn respect, dignity, reputation, promotion and recognition, here is the third quality of a great leader; learn to be bold but not a bully, means, you need to adapt with unwelcoming situation, as great leader, you need to embrace challenge in order to destroy your own mental block and lead others to pass through the difficult thing in this life, if you build bold characteristic, you must not fear  about the consequence, you need to welcome fear with knowledge, calm and courage.

        Here is the fourth quality of a great leader; learn to be humble but not timid, as a great leader, showing humility is basic component how to gain credibility from other people, being humble person also can attract the law of compensation, means, your hard work will be paid based on the contribution and great effort where you bring to other people, here is the fifth quality of a great leader; learn to give appreciation to what other people achieve, means, to be a great leader, you must not feel envy to other people's achievement, we all know that giving appreciation is needed to make good connection and cooperation with other people, if you are leader, at least what you do can inspire others and also you give good reaction to other people who bring something good for humanity, here is the sixth quality of a great leader; learn to be good listenermeaning, you don't show your indifferent about other people feel, instead, you welcome other people who want to share something to you, here is the seventh quality of a great leader; learn to deal with reality, means, a great leader needs to know how to be realist than being planner, when a real disaster comes to threaten everybody unexpectedly, at least a great leader can create a temporary solution where it can be used to direct other people to the safety area and you help people how to reduce other people's pain and make the alternative path for them, I think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an idea how to improve your life, good luck.