Psychology of perfectionism and anxiety

         Hi smart people, howdy? hopefully you always have the abundance of happiness, health and prosperity, today I would like to share about the topic “Psychology of perfectionism and anxiety”, the main reason why I choose that topic because many people become the victim of perfectionism and anxiety, if you ask me why many people build perfectionism and anxiety because people create the program where it can burden a lot for their capacity, if the capacity considers what human talk is impossible or difficult to do, the brain system will give negative reaction for self-defense, here is the note; anxiety is related with perfectionism and the cause of anxiety is coming from the perfectionism's side effect, at this moment, I will share about several reasons why people who possess perfectionism, here is the first reason why perfectionism can cause anxiety; perfectionism creates fixed mindset, when someone has fixed mindset, his thoughts will make himself to stop learning more, as long as person applies fixed mindset into his daily life, he will never care about his own blind spot / weaknesses, as we know together that every life’s movement is dynamic, if people are unable to be dynamic person or self-adapter, they will never be able to adapt with new situation or new condition in a long period of time, here is the second reason why perfectionism can cause anxiety; perfectionism tends to reject new idea or wisdom, please beware about perfectionism because it always offers something limited or irrational thinking, if people love to keep conformed with easiness, their potential can't help them to fight against the life crisis, when their potential doesn't grow, their thoughts can't stand against the life crisis, as result, a life crisis will keep people stressed easily, in my opinion; people must stay open-minded and being a progress maker if they want to create better life because every progress will remove all frustrations which it has been created by perfectionism.

      Here is the third reason why perfectionism can cause anxiety; perfectionism influences person not to take risk, means, perfectionism always rejects the risk because perfectionism considers the risk is real enemy where it can destroy the comfort zone, if people reject new risk, means, they will reject a new chance to make better life, remember this; if there is no risk, there is no new chance, if there is no new chance, there is no progress, if there is no progress, there is no future, if there is no future, the crisis will destroy everything what people havehere is the fourth reason why perfectionism can cause anxiety; perfectionism steals someone’s creativity, please stay alert with perfectionism because it can hid your creativity, if your creativity is not evolving, you will be treated like the life's victim where you will be forced to live poor or inadequate, here is the fifth reason why perfectionism can cause anxiety; perfectionism hates something newdo you know why perfectionism behaves such thing because perfectionism is static, it feels there is none incomparable with anything else, this attitude will influence person to stay perfect, when this condition becomes habit, a perfectionist will do something the same again and again.

      Here is the sixth reason why perfectionism can cause anxiety; perfectionism hates critic or advice, if people hate to get advice or critic, people aren't willing to adapt with high pressure in this life, as impact, people will receive sense of anxiety when people don't want to grow better, here is the seventh reason why perfectionism
can cause anxiety; perfectionism blockades any possibility means, perfectionist will never accept God's plan, as result, if people hate about God's plan, there is no better future anymore, I think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an idea how to improve your life, good luck.