Perception and reality

     Hi smart people, howdy? welcome back with me, Fian, hopefully you always have the abundance of happiness, health and prosperity, today I would like to share about the topic “Perception and reality”, the main reason why I choose that topic because not everyone can understand what's difference between perception and reality, if you want to go far beyond your limitation, your habit must do something until you feel surprised about the result, as we can know that “limitation comes from ego”, so we can’t change our life pattern by relying from it, every limitation can’t be upgraded to get higher position unless you leave your ego and you start to make new journey by making wide-ranging discussion between you and your vision scenario, this strategy is not easy to deal with, but there is nothing impossible until you decide not to fear of being wrong, in order to increase the magnitude of perception, you need to break self-limitation and start to visualize the possibility of change, remember this; if you want to create new perception, you must challenge yourself to do something beyond your hatred feeling, besides that, you must face new adversity and let reality manifests what you perceive so far.

      You just need to explore your perception by finding new information and you keep doing it until you get enlightened and your self-confidence is increased, your main job in life is how to create new space of your wealth by having passion of learning what you don't knowin order to create new space of wealth, you must challenge yourself to do something you never did, you will not know how the life works until you dare to face your fear, this strategy can help you to open your wide-ranging vision, besides that, you need to stay discomfort and happy with the training program which is given by life system, remember this note; don’t try to limit yourself when you face new adversity because one of problem you faced can wide your vision and help you to destroy your ignorance,  life is full of uncertainty, don’t get over excited when you can solve one problem and don't get over sad when you can't find a way because tomorrow is still mysterious day and it is going to give you bigger problem if you aren't preparing your skill set, here is the additional note; not all problem you face can be finished by your money, if you think every problem can be solved by money, means, you don't really face the real problem, instead you face with financial problem, don’t lower your qualification just because you succeed to solve the problem because it can decrease your power of perception and increase your gratification degree, it’s not good idea, please keep working with your skill set if you want to get abundance of happiness, prosperity and health, I think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an idea how to improve your life, good luck.