Negative emotions affect health

  Hi good reader, howdy? welcome back to my blog, today I would like to share the interesting topic "Negative emotions affect health", the main reason why I choose that topic because  recently many people get sick either mentally and physically, if you ask me why people get sick easily because there is something wrong with their emotional intelligence, as we know emotional intelligence plays a role to help human how to identify the level of emotion whether its low or high vibration, unfortunately not many people can detect their negative emotions because they think their health is related with nutritional food or beverage, it is not quite true, human's health is determined by the high quality of spiritual intelligence and high emotional intelligence, remember; food influence is only 20% in affecting human's health, whereas, spiritual intelligence and high emotional intelligence are dominating until 80% in affecting human's health, in order to make our body healthy, we must feed our mind with inspiration, good knowledge, adversity and uncertainty, whether we like it or not, sometimes unpleasant experience can contribute human's mental health until 30-50%, basically, we don't need to worry about food or beverage because it doesn't give so much affect to human's health.

  Starting from now, we must check our emotion through the activity we spend time with, if our activity only offers 50% instant pleasure, our mental health will go down and it will inflict negative emotion when we aren't ready to lose instant pleasure, so we must beware about what we think and what we feel, not all topics in this world are worthy to think about, some psychologists suggest we must avoid the sensational news because it can inflict negative emotions easily, besides the sensational news, we must avoid the public affair because it can evoke our mind to keep thinking about the trending topics, here is the first activity which can evoke negative emotions; pornography, vulgar picture, free sex, do you know why it can evoke negative emotions because those activities are opposed by religion teachings, as long as the activity is prohibited by religion teachings, meaning, the activity is uneducated and very dangerous, here is the second activity which can evoke negative emotions; online game, including money game, do you know why it can evoke negative emotions because the program is related with fraudulent, dishonest act, even though the game offers money, it is not comparative with the internet quota that people spend with, here is the third activity which can evoke negative emotions; spend more than 10 hours with handphone non-stop, it is not good activity, do you know why? because the handphone's program will offer the delusional thinking which can make people think unrealistic, if people often think unrealistic, human's negative emotion will raise rapidly, I think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an idea how to enhance your life career, good luck.